Page 82 of Tempted Angel

“Sir, please step away so we can?—”

“I’m not leaving her.”

“You can follow us to the hospital.”

“I’m not leaving her!”

I won’t fail him. But first, I’ve got to deal with the Auction.

The whole school is abuzz with electric energy the week leading up to it.

Whispers about who was invited and who’s sneaking in. Talk of dress shopping and glamour spells replaces the normal chatter before and after classes.

As usual, on Friday, before the demons can blink me out of the academic building, Stevie runs up and grabs me out of the demon circle.

“I see they’ve stopped protesting,” she says as we run to the dining hall.

“Guess they figure it’s easier to let you have me once a week than to put up a fight.”

“As they should,” Stevie says.

When we enter the dining hall, she drops a soundproof bubble over us, and we get in line.

“We scored invites, Dove. You won’t be alone there. OK? We’ve got your back. Just in case.”

I turn, staring. “Please don’t, Stevie. It’s too dangerous.”

She shakes her head, brow lowering as she stares me down. “If it’s too dangerous for us, then it’s too dangerous for you not to have backup.”

I frown at her. She’s got a point, but…

“Just in case you need it.”

She’s got me there.

“Here,” she says, pulling a sandwich off the bar and putting it on my tray. “I want you to wear this.”

“You want me to wear a turkey sandwich?”

“I want you to wear the bracelet I just snuck onto your tray under the sandwich.”

I lift the edge of the plate to see what she’s talking about.

“No! Don’t look! I snuck it there so no one will see it. Just pretend like it doesn’t exist. But don’t forget and accidentally throw it away with the tray.”

“Right. Obviously.”

I’m not used to such covert and public dealings. Sure, Sera and I planned this whole “infiltrate a demon school” scheme together, but we’ve never done anything on Celestus even close to as dangerous as this. Not publicly. And not with each other.


I haven’t been able to speak to her since the heirs relocated me to their lair.

I can’t risk using my scrying mirror on a demon plane.

Malachi could track it right to the lair if he knew what to look for, and I’m not making it any easier to find me.

But I am concerned that I’ve worried her. I’ve only been able to make one of our scheduled calls since I’ve been here.