Page 80 of Tempted Angel

I need to stay clear of her.

“Come on, Dove. Show us what you’ve got. Show us what earned you a personal Chonk escort,” Olivia goads.

What an asshole.

Although, I could see how, from her view, she’d think the same of me. I’m the asshole, coming into her school late with a special dispensation to do so and attracting the attention she thinks she’s owed.

I’m the villain in her story.

“Ms. Collins! I will not ask again.”

“Alright, alright, Karloff. Don’t blow your load.”

All seven demon students burst into laughter, and Karloff’s face goes bright red.

“One month detention, Ms. Collins, for failing to follow a directive and for insulting your instructor.”

I groan. “Come on, Karloff. You already hate me enough. Why punish yourself with even more of me?”

“Sit down, Ms. Collins! And do not speak again for the rest of class, am I clear?”

I’m tempted to say yes, but I decide not to poke the bear and nod instead.

I never know when Karloff is going to react badly to my jabs. I’m just grateful it got me out of failing to pull someone through a portal.

“Gotta admit, Dove, that was a pretty badass way of getting out of blinking,” Enzo says on our walk to our last class of the day. “But why wouldn’t you just do it?”

I stare at his profile. As baby faces go, his is a very nice one. “What do you mean? You know I can’t.”

“Right. Whatever you say.”

I don’t argue with him. Wasn’t he just telling me before class that he knew I couldn’t?

Is this an Enzo-ism I need to get used to?

“Good afternoon, all!” our new Potions Master says from behind her desk. “I hope you’re caught up on your reading.” She stands, long emerald skirt flowing behind her as she walks to the front of the class. With a wave of her hand, a single sheet of paper appears on my and every student’s desk in the class.

Collective groans from everyone. Even Axe, who’s usually fine with pop quizzes.

“Don’t worry. I hate pop quizzes,” the potion master says with a grin.

“Then why’d you give us one?” Austin asks with a laugh from behind me.

She stares at him over her mottled-brown-rimmed glasses, smile fading slowly. She doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t reprimand him for speaking out of turn. She just looks at him until he’s uncomfortable enough to shift around in his seat.

A few more seconds of staring and…

“Sorry, Potion Master V.”

She gives him the same wide smile he’d previously erased, nods, and moves along. I do like that about her. She doesn’t hold grudges. Unlike some instructors at this awful school,

“I don’t like them, but I use surprise quizzes to gauge how well you’re keeping up with the reading and how much you’ve retained from my lectures.”

She settles in behind her desk once more. “The quiz won’t count toward your grade. Please begin.”

Axe and I are the first to start scribbling on the page. We usually are.

In fact, in every academic class we share, Axe and I are in the top two spots.