Bastian, hulking in the entire doorway, nods. “You weren’t in Demonology, and you didn’t answer any of our messages. What’s going on?”
I pull the towel tighter, take a breath, and find my composure.
They cannot know.
“Fuck, can’t a girl skip a class without the whole Syndicate barreling through her door?”
Dashel scoffs. “She’s just playing hard to get. I’m outta here.” He pushes Bastian out of the doorway and leaves me with three heirs crowded in my tiny dorm room.
“You guys are stinking up the place with all your testosterone and brimstone. Take a cue from you friend and see yourselves out.” Not a single demon moves. “Now. And tell whoever’s in charge of such things that I need a new door.”
Axe shakes his head, jaw clenching. “You scared us, Dove. Don’t do it again.”
I skip the last class that day and every class on Friday, emailing each of the instructors that I’m sick and asking if they’ll send me class notes.
All but Karloff wished me well and forwarded their lecture notes.
I also ignored all messages from everyone. Even the scheduled call I had with Sera, which admittedly, wasn’t the best choice.
I let myself fester in the thick of every awful emotion the whole day.
And the weekend.
So, when Monday morning dawns anew and I show up to the dining hall, I’m not so raw. Not so emotional. I practiced the lie over and over in the bathroom.
I was sick.
Unsure I can stomach anything after a three-day fast, I head right to the table where Stevie, Jess, and Austin are.
“Hey, guys,” I say, sitting down.
“Hey, you! Glad you’re back in the land of the living,” Stevie says with a smile and finishes braiding her hair.
Jess shoves a huge spoonful of thick yogurt and berries into her mouth. “Yeah. Must have sucked real bad. You didn’t message any of us back.” She’s not doing a good job of pretending I hadn’t hurt her feelings.
I don’t have to reach far for the sheepish look on my face because I genuinely feel bad. “I’m sorry. I wasreallysick. I’m feeling better now, though, so catch me up on what happened over the weekend.”
Stevie purses her lips. “Well, I would, but it looks like we’re about to have some company.” She stares over my shoulder, and I turn around just in time to see all four heirs marching toward me.
All four wear anger like an unexpected accessory. Bastian’s neck tattoo pulses with his rage. Enzo’s smile twists across his face with equal parts sweetness and savagery. Dashel’s anger is all in those topaz eyes, and seemingly, directed right at me.
And Axe.
His jaw is set so hard, the muscles bulge outward. There’s something about seeing them marching toward me, radiating darkness, all of them lasered on me…
Get your head together! No daydreaming about hot demon heirs when they’re barreling toward you with murder eyes.
I brace for it like an attack.
As always, Axe leads, speaking first. “Good morning, Dove. Won’t you join us today?”
I take my time meeting his gaze, letting it linger on the crest of his uniform, his throat, then his mouth before finally lifting my eyes to his.
“Haven’t we been over this already? I like to sit here. With my friends.”
Axe smiles, but no part of it is kind, and a little part of me likes that. “We spoke to your vampire friend, Dove.”
My stomach drops, hands go cold.