Page 60 of Tempted Angel

- From Realm to Realm: The Creature Encyclopedia

Vlad and his stupid,shitty grin and his cold, skinny fingers are all I can think of the rest of the way to the demonic lair.

The autumn air whips my hair around, a bitter bite to the wind foretelling a cold winter.

I let that smarmy little fuck of a vampire feed on me just to get out of some brambles.

And he almost ruined everything.

Balls! How could I have been so careless?!

He knew from the first lick, first drop, that I’m something else, something different, something he wants more of. My only saving grace is that he’s never had an angel. It’s likely not even on his radar as a possibility.

Because if it was, if he knew, then I’d be well and truly fucked.

I think I handled it. As best as I can, anyway. He won’t tell anyone that it happened, which means he won’t talk about how different my blood is.

I have no one to blame but myself.

Vlad was kind enough to clear the path the rest of the way for me and explain how a vampire has control over earth magic. But I was hardly listening.

Something about his grandmother being a witch…

I walk the rest of the way to the lair in a daze, and when I reach the mounded dirt that is the hidden door to the subterranean lair, I hesitate.

This is Demonology. Likely populated with demons. Including all four heirs.

And if demon noses are anywhere near as good as Austin’s wolf nose, everyone will scent what happened. My blood, my “arousal”, and Vlad.

Looks like I’m pissing off Karloff again and skipping his class entirely.

He’ll get over it.

I head back and in much less time thanks to Vlad leaving the path open for me. I’m not trying to blink again any time soon. Not with how awful it felt trying to wield demon magic here.

I’ll have to talk to Sera about that.

For the first time since arriving, I get to my destination without a single person stopping or noticing me.

I head straight for the shower, jumping in while the water is still cold.

It’s not my preference but I want Vlad’s ick off me ASAP.

By the time the water warms, I’ve lathered and rinsed several times.

I don’t get out, letting the water needle into my skin.

My mind won’t stop replaying every detail, every sensation. I can still feel his mouth on me, his hand around my leg.

Bile rises in my throat, burning and bitter, and I vomit on the shower floor. Heaving and panting, I grip the wall and watch as it gets rinsed down the drain.

I can’t believe I let Vlad…

The steam is suddenly too much. I’m hot and lightheaded. Fumbling with the knob, I get the water off and stumble out of the shower, nearly taking the shower curtain with me.

Towel wrapped hastily around me, I collapse onto the bed, still dripping.

The ceiling spins, so I close my eyes, but that’s worse until I put a foot on the ground.