Page 35 of Tempted Angel

“Starting now?” he adds with an impetuous grin.

I don’t agree, but I don’t move away when he steps back to the workbench.

After a few moments, the class goes back to their potions, and the weight of the combined gazes dissipates.

I complete the recipe in utter silence as Enzo stands next to me, watching.

When the bell rings, he cleans up the discarded stems as I bottle the potion.

“You’ll need to keep a close eye on it,” he murmurs.

“I know, Enzo.”

“And keep it out of direct sunlight.”

“Yes, I know. We read the same instructions.”

He rubs the back of his neck. “Why don’t I just take it?”

I hold out my arm, offering him the stoppered vial.

“No, never mind. You should do it. You need the practice.”

I try not to scoff at him. “Right. Of the two of us, who knew all the ingredients on sight and didn’t have to check the diagrams?Who knew which way east was and which direction to cut the stems?”


“So if anyone here needs practice, Enzo, I’d say it’s you.”

He nods, a slow smile pulling at his mouth. “Maybe. Or maybe I just wanted to see what’s between those ears of yours, little birdie.”

The icy calculation of his words sends a chill ripping down to my toes.

Had he intentionally provoked me to see how I perform under pressure? Was he trying to see how smart I am?

He was.

And I’d fallen for it without a trace of awareness he was doing so.

Chapter Ten

It’s been ages since an infernal entrapped a Celestian. We’ve since lost the knowledge of first warning signs.

- On Infernals: A Primer for Elementary Studies

According to my schedule,I have the next period free followed by my lunch break.

I could go back to my dorm and hole up in my room alone until lunch. That’s the smart choice.

Away from people.

Away from demonic influence.

Away from all the things that will get me caught.

But that won’t help me get what I need.

Or I could find a quiet corner of the library and figure out as much as I can about the heirs. About the Auction. Any inside information I can get on them can only help me reach my goal.