Page 147 of Tempted Angel

Without hesitation, my enforcer demon grabs Malachi’s ankles and holds them down.

I stare into those awful violet eyes one last time. “You didn’t even wait until she was unconscious,” I hiss. “You ripped her essence out while she screamed on the tile.”

Malachi shakes his head, mouth working like a fish trying to breathe on land, and for the first time in my whole life, I see genuine fear in his eyes.

Fear at what I might do.

And that…

Knowing that he’s staring at the same flame-filled gaze that struck fear into my soul for so many years…

I rip off his apron and shirt with a thought, and with another, conjure one of Enzo’s knives into my hand.

“Oh, that’s my favorite one. Good choice!”

I kneel beside him. “What would you like your last words to be, Father?”

Hatred seeps in where there once was fear, and I don’t like the look of it.

Sinking a knife into flesh isn’t how I thought it would feel.

It goes in much easier than I expect, and I slice him open from throat to navel.

If he could scream, he would, but as he can’t, he just writhes and grunts like a stuck pig.

“I saw how you did it. I was small, but I still saw it. And I remember”

Malachi shakes his head violently, pleading with his eyes.

I speak the words seared into my mind so many years ago. The ancient language is heavy on my tongue, and the magic that it summons skims my skin like a lover’s touch.

It’s seductive, and for a moment, I understand why Malachi might be drawn to this.

But only a moment. I stare down at him. Tears fill his eyes, and snot and blood leak from his nose.

“Rest in anguish, you monster.”

He stops shaking.

A silvery slip of essence spools out of the wound, and I watch as the light drains from Malachi’s hateful stare.

I summon a small vial and stopper and bottle my father into it, where he will exist without form, without senses, but in the constant torment of his remaining consciousness, for eternity.

“A punishment fit for a king,” I say to the vial and tuck it into my pocket.

I stay there, crouching over my father’s dead body for quite some time. Distantly, I’m aware of Axe barking out orders relating to body disposal and damage clean up.

When I finally rise, I’m met with Chonk standing on the counter, licking his paw.


“I see you dealt with the issue.”

I nod. “Tell the Lords and headmaster they don’t have to worry about any more incursions from my father.”

“Oh, they already know.”

Somehow, Dashel wraps me in a wordless hug from behind without bending a single feather. “You were amazing, Dove.”