Page 141 of Tempted Angel

“What’s wrong?” Axe asks, bruises still darkening the side of his face.

Bastian doesn’t waste time with questions. He comes to me, wrapping me in his arms.

“Dove, you’re shaking. What’s happened?”

I grip Bastian’s shirt, burying my face in his chest, waiting until that warm, smoky scent of his, of all the heirs, calms my nerves. “He—he’s here.”

Bastian stiffens in my arms as if his whole body is now alert. “Who? Who’s here?”

“No one’s here, now that your friends and theduyopshave left,” Axe says flatly, almost with disinterest, but he still scans the hall and living areas like he’s hunting for threats. “It’s just us and the wards.”

I shake my head. “He’s on campus.”

“Who?” Bastian asks, pulling away to look at me. “Dove, talk to me. Who’s here, baby?”

My lip trembles as I say it. “My father.”

The heirs exchange a silent glance, and Axe falls into action. “Enzo, Dashel, get you asses back here now.” His voice carries strangely, like he spelled it to ring out wherever the two heirs are.

They appear instantly, blinking in.

“What’s going on?” Dashel asks before catching sight of me. His features fall, shifting from curious to murderous. “What’s wrong?” he asks, coming close.

Bastian passes me off to Dashel. “Her father’s in Blackwood.”

I ignore the knot in my throat. “I—I have to go there.”

“Absolutely not,” Bastian hisses at me.

“Just let me go. I’ll take care of him.” Enzo’s eyes are as wide as I’ve ever seen, pupils pinned and bouncing, never settling anywhere. If it were aimed at me and not for me, he’d be truly terrifying.

Still… “You can’t go alone. He’s too powerful.”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Dove, but we’ve been growing more powerful by the day,” Dashel says, voice rumbling in the ear I have pressed to his chest. Without letting me go, he shiftsunder me, growing twice as wide and significantly taller as he rips out of his shirt and into his true form.

I can’t help taking a peek lower, to see if we’ll be facing my father with demon dicks out and swinging.

I almost smile at the thought, but unfortunately, Dashel’s loose pants—though stretched to their tensile limit, and the cuffs now at his shins—still cover his bits.

What a shame.

It’s not enough, though. “Sure, you have a true form, but no one else does yet. We can’t take him on, trust me. He’s got all the power of my plane’s magic.”

Enzo shakes his head. “Don’t you feel it, Dove? We might not all have true forms yet, but we’ve all gotten stronger since…” He leaves the rest unsaid.

Since sleeping with me.

“We can handle him, Dove.” I can hear the smile in Bastian’s voice as he runs a huge hand down my back. “Just stay here and let us take care of it.”

I push him away, staring up at him like the crazy demon he must be.

“What? No. Absolutely not. If you think for one second that I’m going to stay here while…” I jab a finger into his topaz chest while I stumble over my words. “No way in the seven realms are you going without me.”

Enzo nods. “If the pretty bird wants to come, we should let her. He is her father.”

“No. Out of the question,” Axe says. “You’re staying here where you’re safe.”

I spin around to stare up at him, letting him see everything in my gaze. Every split lip, every bruise and broken bone. I show him the years of fearhebuilt into me.