Page 33 of Speak No Evil

But I press on.

“And I’m sorry I took so long to recover.”

“Sssh, witch. You took the time you needed,” Vrahs murmurs against my hair.

But I pull away and stare at the three demon lords in turn. “If this... situation has taught me anything, it’s that I’m kind of an asshole.”

“Yes, but you’re our asshole.”

I burst into laughter. “Lucifer’s gooch, Ryker... Just—just listen, OK?”

Ryker shrugs and strokes a finger down my cheek.

“Look, what I’m trying to say is I shouldn’t have tried to stop the city from being pulled out of nullspace on my own. It was cocky and arrogant and an epically dangerous move.”

Thorne touches my chin, guiding my eyes to him. “It paid off, though. You uncovered the culprit.”

“Yeah, but only because it was a trap to get to me.”

Vrahs lets loose a long-suffering sigh. “It matters not why you were victorious, witch. It matters that you acted with honor. That you slayed your enemies. And that you returned to me.”

I stare at him for several moments. Maybe he’s right?

Or maybe apologizing to demons for doing chaotic shit is a fool’s errand.

I lean back, Ryker’s chest providing a sturdy support. “Whatever. How about we quit talking and start on some of the mind-erasing orgasms?”

It was a suggestion the lords were all too happy to oblige.

In seconds I’m undressed and laid on a down blanket. I frown at it. “I don’t want soft and sweet, dummies. I want to be destroyed.”

Thorne’s eyes blow out to all black, and Vrahs lets out a low, rumbling purr. Ryker grabs my arm and hauls me to my feet.

“I thought I lost you,” Ryker growls.

He grabs the back of my neck and crushes my lips with his in a desperate, claiming kiss. The hand not on my neck kneads and pulls at my flesh. Down my back, around my hip, before he kicks my legs apart and sinks his fingers into my pussy.

I groan into Ryker’s mouth, but the sound is drowned out by Ryker’s moaned confession. “If I’d lost you after only just finding you, I would have ended my existence.”

As fucked up as it is, his words turn me the fuck on, and I grind against his hand until he’s exactly where I need him.

The orgasm is quick and short-lived, promising plenty more to come.

Ryker removes his hand from me and rests his soaked fingers against Thorne’s lips. Thorne immediately sucks them into his mouth, and if I thought I was turned on before...

Arousal glides down my thighs and fills the room with spicy sexual energy.

Vrahs inhales deeply. “Your species is quite adept at turning male demons to driveling lustful fools,” he says and drops to his knees before me.

I’ve said it before, or maybe I just thought it, but seeing a demon lord on his knees and about to pleasure me...

It doesn’t get any fucking better than that.

Vrahs picks up my leg and hooks it over his shoulder before burying his face in me.

“Fuuuuuuuck,” I moan, matching Vrahs’s muffled moan. He grips my hips, pushing me into his face harder and harder, until he finally lifts my other leg over his shoulder.

Thorne stands at my back, supporting me, whispering filth in my ear as he does. “Oh, to be smothered between those glorious thighs of yours. A demon such as I couldn’t dream of a better way to leave this mortal coil.”