Page 30 of Speak No Evil

I hadn’t thought that, but yeah. I guess that makes sense.

“Speaking of, have there been any new murders?”

AJ shakes her head. “Thankfully not.”

And maybe there wouldn’t be. Noah had been busy in Laurel Cove. And I’d make sure the lords exiled Noah from Blackwood.

Although he didn’t strike me as a murderer. Opportunistic? Yes. An asshole who doesn’t know a thing about loyalty? Absolutely.

But a murderer?

I don’t know.

Chapter 8


After lunch, AJ asks if I want to venture into my destroyed apartment together.

I almost take her up on it but decide I’ve done enough hard things today and ask her to drive me back to the basilica. Confronting that mess was at least a four person job.

When I arrive, Chonk is waiting by the front door for me, but instead of jumping into my arms like before, he sniffs the air around me and turns around.

I’ll give you some privacy.

“What? What for?”

Chonk looks at me over his shoulder.You’ll know soon enough.

“Wait, hey! Hold on.”

Chonk pauses, and turns to face me, but only halfway.

“Why are you talking, exactly?”

Fuck if I know, witch. I’m just glad it helps me keep you safe.

“Keep me safe?”

Yes. I’m not letting the same fate that befell my woman befall you as well.

I fall onto the entryway bench because suddenly, there’s too much gravity in the world.

My heart races, mouth goes so dry, that when I speak again, my voice is papery thin. “Holy shit, Chonk! You saw who hurt Em?”

Em. Is that her name?

A hard ball of thick emotion lodges in the middle of my throat. I swallow, trying to push it down, but it stays exactly where it formed.

“Yes, Chonk. Her name was Emerald.” I take a minute to gather myself before pushing on. “Em for short. Did—did you see what happened to her?”

I sit on my hands to keep them from shaking.

Why didn’t I think to ask him this earlier?!

I only know that it smelled strange. From another place.

“You didn’t see it, though?”