Page 26 of Speak No Evil

You did well, mate. A slow death is righteous for what they’ve done to you.

I turn, finding a brother’s eye and nod for him to come close. When he does, I put Jade in his arms with a warning growl.

Ryker nods solemnly at me, and I go to the pile of excrement, pulsing and screaming on the ground.

“You tortured my witch,” I growl, and the room goes silent.

“You tortured her and took her against her will.”

Every eye in the large room is on me as I pick up the mass of flesh and rip off one of its limbs.

Blood sprays across my chest and face, and I bellow the howl of a righteous slaying in perfect unison with the creature’s wails.

I take the last three limbs in quick succession before removing the head from the torso and discarding it all behind me.

Everyone still watches me. Even the witches can’t take their eyes off me, though they should hide their gazes in deference.

A witch steps forward, hands trembling, voice just as unsteady. “On behalf of the Demonic Bloodline coven, I’d like to formally renounce the actions of our former leader.”

I roar at her before she can say more and take my mate from Ryker’s arms. “You only do so to save your pathetic hides. I ought to destroy your entire coven.”

“We’d have every right to burn your coven to the ground,” Thorne adds.

“You breached our city’s wards, putting everyone at risk. Trust there will be further consequences.”

Chonk takes a running leap and lands on Jade’s torso. From there, he projects to my mind. “And the feline says you’re all bad cats.”

I don’t know what that means, but the witches seem to be more ashamed than before.

Thorne lets out a sigh. “Trust that we will speak to your High Coven Leader and the king of your city. This matter is hardly finished.”

A rush of euphoria barrels through me like a runaway train.

No, please, no.

I stare at Jade’s pale, blood-streaked chest, hoping to still see the rise and fall of even breathing.

That rush can only mean one thing. My power’s returned. And barring Jade willing it back to me, it only happens if—


She’s fine, you big red dummy.The cat’s words, however sardonic, are a great relief.

But her chest isn’t moving, and my power—

You’re looking in the wrong place. She breathes from her diaphragm, like one should. It’s her stomach that moves.

I check, but the cat is lying on Jade’s stomach. I can’t see any of it.

You’re certain?

As death and taxes.

Ryker and Thorne ask with their glances if everything is OK. I answer with a swift nod, open a portal, and leave the awful city that took my mate.

The instant we’re back in the basilica, I dole out orders. “Thorne, make sure the city is back in nullspace fully. Mend the wards if needed. Ryker, go over the accounting with a microscope and look for any transactions that lead to a Laurel Cove bank account. I have a feeling that’s where our missing money went.”

“You think the king of—” Ryker starts, but I cut him off.