It’s too late for him,Chonk says, giving himself a good shake. More fur flies out in all directions.
“What do you mean, it’s too late for him? We can’t—”
I mean, his primal self has taken over. Vrahs is only instinct now.
I let out a sigh. This isn’t optimal. “Well then, hurry up and unmake the ward so he doesn’t concuss himself.”
Chapter 6
Red. It’s all I see. I think it’s in my eyes, but as my vision clears...
A thick puddle of dark red blood seems to pulse as it spreads slowly on the hardwood floor. I don’t remember where it came from until a fat crimson drop falls from my nose with aplopand joins the rest.
Oh right, this.
As my memory floods back, so does the sharp, searing pain of the binding spell.
This would be just my luck, coming to in the middle of it. This iron constitution of mine can go suck it. Seriously. I don’t want to be conscious for this. Just let me pass out.
“Ah, there she is. So nice of you to rejoin us, Jade.” Kayla’s sweet and lovely voice rings in my ears, and I’m certain the sound of it will haunt me the rest of my days.
I raise my head to stare at her, and I’m met with a gaze as frigid and black as the boundless depths of the ocean. In return, I give her a wild smile and, to my amusement, she goes stiff as she puts more distance between us.
It’s a single step, but I’ll cling to that image like the lifeline it is.
Kayla recovers instantly, smoothing her face into that curated bland expression she favors. “Yes, keep looking at me,” she purrs. “It’s much more thrilling to see the pain on your face.”
“Fuck you,” I snarl, bloody spittle flying from my lips.
Kayla laughs. “So stubbornly spirited. I’m quite certain it will be your demise.”
“And trying to fill the vacuous hole of your soul with other people’s power will be yours.”
Her lip curls in disdain before smoothly sliding into a smug smile. It’s only a second later that she sets every cell within me ablaze with another furious, malicious pyre.
A screaming cackle levers my jaw open as unseen hellfire scorches me through.
There’s a reason binding spells feel like this, like burning from the inside out.
It’s a reminder to whoever’s performing the binding. A reminder of the burning times. When men, high on piety and power, burned women alive at stakes. A reminder that one should only resort to binding another witch’s—anotherwoman’s—power in the most extreme circumstances.
I stare at the witch and hope she’ll see it. Hope she’ll be reminded.
And for a reason only known to her, Kayla pauses. I drag in a desperate breath.
“Are you ready to give me your power, Jade Greenly?”
I’d rather die here and now, in agony than give this greedy witch even a taste of my magic. Not only is this not the protocol for my “crime”, but no one’s even performed a binding for several generations.
I’m surprised she even found the spell for the working.
But I’m exhausted. My throat is dry from screaming, and I simply can’t say any of that. All I can manage is another hideous, blood-smeared smile, and two words.
“More fire,” I order.
Kayla goes whale-eyed. It’s only for the briefest moment, but it’s there, and I take solace in it as she pulls more power from the ring of witches around her to reignite my cells in the binding’s agony.