Page 20 of Not Bad for a Girl

“Are you Melvin?” Patrick asked, still a little breathless, to MelvinHammer, who looked annoyed and out of place on the lawn. We moved close enough to hear their conversation but stayed far enough away not to be easily spotted in the crowd.

“I’m Melvin Hammer,” he replied. “Why?”

“I have a message from Indiana Aaron,” Patrick replied.

I yelped, then got up on my tiptoes to grab Heidi’s back and peer over her shoulder.

Melvin’s stance changed. “Yes?” he said. “It’s unfortunate that this foolishness has gotten in the way of our meeting. I’m on a tight schedule and can’t stay after this.”

“He wanted me to let you know he’s also sorry he won’t be able to make the meeting. You see, the noise and confusion caused a woman from the sixteenth floor to go into labor. Indiana managed to carry her out of the building before”—and here Patrick paused dramatically—“he delivered her baby.”

“He delivered a baby?” Melvin asked, looking stunned.

Heidi guffawed, and I quickly smacked my hand over her mouth.

“You should have seen him, Melvin,” Patrick went on. “He was incredible. Both mother and baby are going to be fine. She’s going to name the baby Indiana,” he added.

“Oh my god, please shut up, Patrick,” I whispered under my breath.

Melvin’s mouth hung open in astonishment. “But he’s a programmer. He’s not a doctor.”

Patrick shrugged. “Maybe they cover basic labor and delivery in Navy SEAL training. I don’t know. There are probably a bunch of babies named after him. He’s a good person to have around in a crisis, you know?”

Melvin nodded vaguely. “Where are they now? Can I see him?”

“I’m afraid not.” Patrick shook his head sadly. “The mother was taken by ambulance and begged for Indiana to go with her so she’d feel safe. He said he’d contact you when he has a moment.”

“Yes, yes, of course,” Melvin murmured. “No, of course, I understand.”

Patrick nodded and patted his arm sympathetically, then turned to go.

Melvin reached out and touched his shoulder. “But he was in the meeting? Before the fire alarm went off?”

“Yep,” Patrick answered. “The tall one with the piercing eyes.”

“Oh,” Melvin said, seeming to think back. “That sounds kind of familiar.”

Patrick nodded. “It does.”

“Black hair?” Melvin asked.

“I’d say salt-and-pepper, really.”

Melvin nodded distractedly. “Yeah, that’s what I meant.”

No one had salt-and-pepper hair in that meeting. I was sure of it.

“Have a great afternoon, sir,” Patrick said. Then he went back toward the building and, at the last second, turned and winked at me.

Heidi sighed. “I’m definitely not over Indiana. I’m still in love with him.”

I nodded. “I’m starting to fall in love with him, too.”

“Speaking of falling in love, who’s that?” Heidi gestured with her chin to where Shane stood at the side of the building scanning the crowd.

“He’s the guy with the voice!” I said. “His name is Shane, from New York. I think he’s Melvin’s babysitter.”

She bumped her hip into mine. “Lucky you, voice guy isn’t a troll. Aren’t you supposed to have a team happy hour thing this evening to get to know each other?”