Page 11 of All I Know

"Totally single. Never been more single. Single and ready to mingle. But only with you." He traces my cheekbone.

"So this is perfect timing. I happen to be single, too. No problems here."

"Thank God. I don't think I could handle it if you had a boyfriend."

A grin spreads across his face, and I reward him with a soft kiss. He wraps his arms around me and rolls me on top. I feel like I'm a third of his size, and I giggle at his sheer physical perfection. I feel like I'm making out with some sort of superhero who could protect me against a nuclear war.

"You're so much bigger now."

"You like?"

"Very much, Damien. But, listen." I slide off him and rest my hand on his chest. "I hope you don't think you owe me anything after high school. I don't want to be a pity fuck or anything along those lines."

"Excuse me?" His voice has taken on a cool tone. "What?"

I shrug. "A pity fuck. Because we had all that awkwardness our senior year. Because you feel bad about everything I went through after we kissed."

"Okay, let's get a few things straight." His voice is cool and clear now. No sexy, growly Damien. "However much time we spend together now, it's not going to be a reprise of our last conversation ten years ago."

I freeze. "What do you mean?"

"You said something similar when I asked you to prom."

"That you were doing it out of pity."

"Yep. And I wasn't. And still you saidno. I respected that and left you alone."

I don't say anything. He's right.

"If I say the word fuck in relation to you now, to us, it's outof lust and emotion. In my more rational moments, I don't want to fuck you."

My stomach plummets. "Oh. Okay. I'm sorry."

He puts his big hand over mine. "What? Why are you apologizing? I want to make love to you. With you. Ravish you. Devour you. Consume you. When I said the word while we were dry humping a few minutes ago, it was shorthand for,I want you so bad that I can only utter this one word because all the blood's rushed from my brain and into my dick. Got it?"

"Got it."


"This is a multi-point discussion?" I smile in the semidarkness.

"It is."

"Okay, then."

"Two. I've had a massive crush on you since freshman year when you transferred into the school. I was such a dork back then that I didn't get my shit together to talk to you until senior year. When you said you'd go to that party with me, it was the best day of my life."

I pull my hand out from his and trace his jawline. "Whose party was that, anyway? I can't remember. It was on the other side of the island, in one of those big mansions."

"Me either. It was one of the guys from the football team, but I can't recall which one. They were all rich, and they all lived in those mansions."

"Mmm. I remember how nervous I was going into that bedroom with you."

"And when we kissed in that bedroom? Jesus, Kate. You have no idea. I was so pissed when the guys interrupted us."

"You were my first kiss. Did I ever tell you that? It was such a perfect one." I squirm half on top of him again, mindful of the small space. My lips find his, and we smooch slowly for a couple of minutes, until he shifts his big body. "Still perfect. You're a damn fine kisser, Damien."
