"Oh I don't know. It's not every day my best friend gets kidnapped by a drug king pin."

Lucy laughed at Taylor's dramatic, sarcastic tone. "It'll take more than that to keep me down. I'm doing great, Tay. Been taking it easy today, other than hiking to some waterfalls."

"Oh good, I'm glad. What else you have planned, babe?"

Lucy chatted about her plans as she walked to the end of the trail. "Oh, Tay, you would love it here. Maybe we can come back together."

Lucy looked over to see Mason's raised brow. Hands in pockets, he must've finished his call.

"Looks like I gotta run. We're about to turn back. I wish you were here with me."

"Girl, same. Next time, we are going together. I want to get to know this new not-studying-all-the-time Lucy. I miss you."

Lucy smiled and dug her toe in the dirt. "I miss you too. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye bye."

"Bye bye." She hung up and tossed her phone back into the bag before pulling out water.

"Who was on the phone?" Mason spat out, low and deep.

She tilted her head, looking at her watch. "That was Taylor. We're out of time here. Ready to head back?"

He took her bag and slung it over his shoulders. "What's the rush? Want to get back to the resort to talk to Taylor?"

She rolled her eyes at his tone of voice but stepped around him back down the path. "No, we have a tour to the lava flow in half an hour, and then have to be at the diving cave this afternoon."

He placed his hand on her arm and spun her around. She tilted her head up to look at him, the sun through the trees preventing her from seeing his eyes.

"The hell we are. That's not the itinerary I forwarded you."

She shrugged, trying to tug out of his hands but not trying very hard. She liked the feel of him holding her tight too much. "Right, it's not. I called the lady the morning of the festival, and we changed it to something more fun. Surprise."

"What the fuck, Lucy? Lava flow? Cave diving? You're not supposed to get your shoulder wet."

She shrugged. "Yeah, I thought about that. But the wet suit will protect me, right? It's not like we're diving in bikinis."

He shook his head, his hands on his hips. "No, those are too dangerous. I had arranged for us to finish this waterfall tour, then go to the botanical gardens, and end with a trip to the farmers market."

She snorted. "Yeah, that was boring. We just did the botanical gardens earlier this week, remember?"

"That was a completely different island." His hands waved at his sides.

She stomped around him back down the trail. "Eh, once you've seen one, you've seen them all. Besides, I want to do things I won't be able to do back home. I need to step out of this shell and figure out what I can do, what my limits are."

"Going to a fucking volcano is your limit." He raced around her, walking backward to keep facing her.

She narrowed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips, stopping before he tripped. "It's not dangerous, Mason. They wouldn't have a tour for it if it was."

He leaned forward so they were almost nose to nose. "They do bungee jumping tours too but people still die on them. If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you too?"

She burst out laughing, placing a hand on his chest and pushing him slightly. He didn't budge, giant that he was, but she just grinned and shook her head.

"How'd you know I've always wanted to go bungee jumping? Not over land, though. Over water would be fun. I bet they have some cool ones on these islands. Oh, and zip lining!"

"Not today, they don't. Come on, let's finish the waterfall tour. There's another one just up the path that's supposed to be even more gorgeous than this one."

"Are you kidding me?" She jerked her hand out of his grasp and stepped back. So much for not fighting anymore. "We have this one day on Hilo, and you want to go to a botanical garden and farmers market? We can do that in Texas any weekend of the year."