Lucy groaned. "I don't know."

"Hm, what was Mason doing yesterday when he wasn't with you?"

Lucy whimpered again and gasped, "He was watching someone."


"To gather evidence, maybe? Ow, let go," Lucy cried. Mason bit his knuckle to keep from moving.

"And who is Mason gathering evidence for?"

"The FBI."

Mason's blood turned to ice in his veins and goosebumps crossed his skin.

The man cursed, and Malia's voice rose. "See? I told you I wasn't being paranoid."

"Fuck. Ok, where is this Mason now? Is he secured?" There was no response but Malia must have nodded or something because he continued. "Ok, let's take them on a little fishing excursion tomorrow morning. Make it look like an accident."

Lucy cried, "What? Does that mean kill us?" Her voice became shrill and panicked at the end.

"Fuck, she's passed out again." Malia said with a sigh.

Mason winced, and his chest hurt. His heart raced so fast he was afraid it would explode. His fingers itched to take action. He couldn't protect her from here.

A loud commotion echoed through the phone and outside the door where he was locked inside. Pops rang outside his door, but the pops on the phone made his blood run cold.

Flashbacks of last summer made him freeze in terror. Images of Amanda merged with Lucy, making his hands shake.

Then Lucy screamed, rattling his ear on the phone. It snapped him out of his paralyzing fear.

Mason heard shouting outside his door and jumped up, his head swimming with the sudden movement. He flattened himself against one wall. He exited from the app and slipped it into his boot again.

Whatever was going on outside, now was his time to make a move and go find Lucy.

He shoved at the door, no longer afraid to break it down with all the noise outside. He turned the handle and slammed into it. It budged a few inches but didn't open.

A desk and boxes were blocking even the view of the closet door. If the FBI was out there, they wouldn't be able to find him. But if it wasn't the FBI...

He didn't fucking care. Something was going on where Lucy was, and he had to get to her.

He took a deep breath and slammed his shoulder into the door again, pushing off the opposite wall with his feet. He turned into a leg press against it, and the door shifted a few more inches. Adrenaline flooded his system and made him dizzy.

"Novak?" a woman's voice rang out among the shouts.

"Who's asking?" he answered.

"Over here, boys. That Texas drawl has to be him," she said. Boxes began to move, and Mason stood up, holding the wall and glimpsing the police uniforms and FBI badges on civilian clothes.

It took entirely too long for them to move everything, but when he finally busted through the door, he felt like he could breathe for the first time all night.

His vision swam as he found his contact, the same one who'd given him the binder.

"Lucy? Did you get Lucy?" he asked, finding the woman's gaze.

She nodded and frowned. "They're securing the site now. Come with me, and we'll find the details while the EMT crews look at that head."

Mason nodded, feeling the room spin. The back of his head throbbed. He'd already forgotten about it in his worry for Lucy. He clenched his jaw and followed her, stumbling over his feet and fighting the urge to run out, take someone's keys, and go to the hotel he'd been watching.