A shadow fell over Lucy and a deep voice said behind her, "She's a little sore today, and I just can't keep my hands off her. We both needed a few hours break."

Lucy looked up over her shoulder, but Mason wasn't visible with the sun behind him. But he leaned down and kissed her cheek before pulling up a seat to their table.

"Break's over, sunshine." His hand settled on her knee, and she realized they were sitting incredibly close. His hand was almost squeezing her knee too hard. She looked at him through her lashes, but his face was relaxed as he stared at her with a loving expression.

Malia laughed again, her grin coy. "Now that's what I call a good honeymoon. Well, in that case, let's hit those shops so you two love birds can go hump like bunnies."

Malia waved the waiter over, and Mason grinned. They left, and Malia took them around to various shops. They laughed and chatted about little things. Mason couldn't keep his hands off her, which left Lucy flustered.

When Malia asked the vendor about the price, Mason wrapped his hands around her waist from behind and whispered, "Just a little longer, and then I'm going to spank your ass so hard."

She gasped and turned her head to whisper, "What? Why?"

He kissed her hard, their teeth tapping as his tongue thrust inside. His hands squeezed her waist, and tingles raced along her spine. It was deep and ravishing. Desire shot through her, taking her from zero to one hundred in three seconds flat.

Malia chuckled, and they broke the kiss to look at her. She wiggled her eyebrows, her package hanging from her hand. "Alright, enough of that. I can only handle so much in one day. I'll see you two lovebirds around. Tootles!"

She squeezed Lucy's hand and turned into the crowd. She disappeared faster than Lucy thought possible, but her heart was still racing from that kiss. Mason's hands tightened on her waist as he stared intently after her.

Lucy's phone alarm went off, and she shrugged him off to pull it out, swiping with a grin as she pulled up the itinerary.

"I'm going to the Ted Talk on the history of Hawaii and the festival. Are you free for the afternoon?"

She bit her lip, unsure if he was still upset with her from yesterday's parasailing incident or not. "We can do something else if you'd like."

He scanned the street and took her elbow with a tight smile. "I'm free for now. I need to talk to you, though."

She looked at her watch and then the map. "Do you want to talk as we walk? It's about two blocks away."

His hand stroked down her arm to take her hand in his. Her heart raced at his silky touch.

"Sounds good. Lead the way. While we walk, tell me everything that Malia talked about."

Her brow furrowed. "Malia?"

He wanted to talk about Malia? Oh. Oh, of course. She was a blond curvy knockout woman. Of course, he'd want to talk about her.

Lucy's chest tightened but she told him about their conversations.

"Did you invite her to lunch or did she invite you?"

"She invited me the night of the art auction when we went to the bathroom. Why?"

Mason shrugged and looked around. His face was relaxed as he smiled down at her, but she could see the tightness around his lips and in the way he held his shoulders as they walked.

"Nothing, sunshine. Is this it?"

He waved to the sign outside a glass building, and she nodded. He opened the door and they went inside. When they took their seats, he crossed his arms and leaned his head back. She tried to pay attention to the speaker, as the topic was fascinating for her knowledge loving brain.

After the speaker had talked for about five minutes, Mason shifted so his arm was draped over the back of her chair. His fingers played with the exposed skin of her shoulder, drawing circles. It sent a stab of awareness through her. She imagined that light touch all over her body.

Would he want to explore more together? The sex had been amazing so far, but it'd also been hot and heavy. She wanted to touch him, feel those muscles move under her hand.

His coconut sunscreen wrapped her in a cocoon of happy scent. Or maybe it was an aftershave or lotion. Her mind wandered to seeing him step out of the pool, dripping wet. He was broad, and she'd never seen a man in real life with muscles like that. She'd thought the movies were grossly exaggerating, but not anymore.

Now she knew exactly what her smutty books meant by getting all hot and bothered.

This was ridiculous. She'd gone her whole life without being distracted in class, daydreaming about some boy she had a crush on. Only to succumb to it now when she was on vacation? That was not who she was, and she didn't like it.