He winked. "Don't take all day in there. The best thing for jet lag is sleep, and we're both beat."

He set a clean towel out for her, then dried off and tied it around his waist. He closed the door behind him and stepped to the sink. Funny. The mirror showed he was the same old man with graying hair.

But there was a lightness around his eyes that hadn't been there before. He reached for his toothbrush and pushed down thoughts on why.

Chapter 14

Mason sat at the little cafe just before lunch the next day, his back to the corner with a clear view of the entrance door. He needed to see potential threats coming at him, and the woman who just walked through the door in a skin tight white and pink striped dress was definitely a threat. That dress was meant to slay, skin tight with a deep v showing off her cleavage.

She wore pink heels but definitely matched the picture in his binder back in his room. She was the suspected ring leader's mistress, and he'd been tasked with watching her to gather what information he could.

They'd tracked her phone because someone at the FBI last week had put a mirroring code on it. So he knew she was heading to this cafe when she'd put it into her GPS.

The waitress called his order, so he hopped up to pick it up from the counter. The target tapped away on her phone, not even looking at him. He sat down to eat his sub sandwich, his eyes and ears open as she placed her order.

She stepped to the side to wait as her phone rang. Mason opened the mirroring app on his burner phone and held it to his ear to listen.

"Dollface, where are you?"

"The cafe on 7th, the one with the good smoothie. Why? Do you want me to bring you something?" She looked at her nails and turned to walk down the hall to the bathroom.

Now he was doubly glad he'd opened the mirroring app.

"Yeah, grab me a tuna salad sandwich and bring it back. This is gonna take a while."

"Are you still roughing him up? God, don't make a mess again. I'm getting tired of that shit."

The man's voice hardened on the other end. "You watch your tone with me, or I'll make a mess of you, babe."

The woman chuckled. "Promises, promises. Need I remind you not to bite the hand that feeds you?"

The man grumbled. "Whatever."

"Hm, maybe you're just hungry. I'll bring you back some food and set everything to rights, ok? Be there soon."

She hung up but was still in the bathroom. Mason set his phone down to see if she sent any texts as he ate, but nothing more came through. Then she was back and placing the second order.

Mason made a mental note in his head of the conversation, thinking through the meaning of it all. He'd need to follow her because they might have a prisoner or might be torturing someone.

He glanced down as he saw her send a text.

We're on for the Gala tonight.

No one replied, but he was done eating now. So he slid the phone into his cargo pants pocket and cleaned up his table. He walked out and down the street, dipping into a souvenir shop that looked over the door of the cafe.

He pulled out his burner phone and opened the secure app to send a message to the contact he met yesterday. He watched the door while he waited for a reply.

Yes, we have a ticket for you for the gala.

Car will pick you up at 8.

Keep following for now.

He watched as the woman exited and got behind the wheel of a red convertible. She peeled out, and he stepped out and unlocked his rental car. He opened the tracking app and followed, not even catching up to see her car until she was turning into a high rise hotel for valet parking.

He drove down the street and went around the block. When he came back to the front of the hotel, she was nowhere to be seen and the valet was taking her car to the garage. He pulled in and gave the other valet his keys with a tip, then went inside.

He glanced around the ritzy interior. Gold and mirrors seemingly everywhere, front desk straight ahead, lounge area to the right with a bar, and to the left was a large hallway that said Conference on a sign.