
Mason nodded to a few of the other party goers as he exited the kitchen and walked casually through the living room to the stairs. He began to walk past the dancers, his eyes immediately finding Lucy as she shook her hips.

The red dress hugged every curve and flared at the hips, and when she shook, he could almost see her ass. He swallowed hard and pushed down the conflicted feelings. He didn't want to leave her down here, defenseless against the drunk boys who were obviously eying the girls dancing.

But he had a job to do, so he pushed past Lucy and her friend to get to the stairs. Suddenly, her friend swayed and knocked Lucy into him. His arms immediately went around her, and she spun in his arms with a gasp.

She looked up at him, her hands raised his chest to push him away. Her plump lips were open and ruby red, ripe for the plucking.

"Mason," she breathed. The music changed to something more suitable to slow dancing, and someone pressed her into him. He didn't look up to see who, nor did he look up to see who took his beer from his hand.

He didn't care. His hands were now on her hips as they swayed closer and closer together. She was tall enough that he wouldn't need to bend his neck too much to kiss her.

She licked her lips, and her cheeks blushed. He soaked in the moment, the feel of her in his arms. The way she swayed against him, her curves molding to the rigid length of his body.

His raging hard-on nestled in the v of her legs. She gasped at the feel of it and turned her head to the side, refusing to meet his eyes.

Mason growled into her ear, "Sorry, I can't control it. But I need to go upstairs in search of a suspect. It might be more believable if you go with me."

She tilted her head up as she whispered back. "You sure this isn't a ploy?"

Mason smiled. "Little bird, when I ask you to my bed, you'll know it. Trust me."

She gasped, "When?"

He kissed the side of her neck. "Yes. When."

He felt her drag in a ragged breath that pressed her breasts into his chest. His dick leaped at the contact, more excited by her than it had a right to be.

"The—the suspect. Is it dangerous?"

He shook his head gently. "I'd never put you in danger, little bird."

She chuckled in his ear. "I think everything about you screams danger, Mason. But if you need my help, I'm probably the best candidate here."

He kissed her neck again. She smelled like oranges, but it didn't make sense why she tasted like it too. She was addicting, and while he wanted to turn this into something more, he knew it was a terrible idea. He couldn't afford to get close to anyone again. Not now, not ever.

"Come on. Just follow me and act like you're excited for us to find a room together, ok?"

She nodded imperceptibly, so he grabbed her hand and led her to the stairs. Her friend hooted on the dance floor, "Get it, girl! Finally!"

Mason refused to think about what those comments meant. His brain zeroed in on the assignment as he led her up the stairs.

There were two doors on each side of the hallway, but it was the door at the end that drew his attention. Two of the three guys leaned against the wall, guarding the door. Each had their girl settled between their legs and were making out with them.

A couple and two guys stood in front of the closed door, shifting on their feet and waiting for the oblivious guy to let them in.

Mason assessed the other doors and found two without socks on the knobs. He opened one and stepped inside, pulling Lucy behind him before almost shutting the door. He peered through the crack at the end of the hall as he pulled his phone out.

Room at the end of the hall.

He slid his phone into his back pocket as a creaking sound echoed through the room over the sound of the music below. He glanced back to see Lucy sitting on the edge of the bed, picking at the hem of her dress.

His watch buzzed.

Confirm the room before you move in.

Standing by.