Chapter 29

The paramedics patched him up and the feds took his statement. His eyesight would spin, and he'd lose precious minutes closing his eyes and getting a handle on the vertigo.

They found his phone and wallet, then packed up the ambulance to head to the hospital. He argued until they said that's where Lucy was.

Details were minimal. He insisted on walking into the hospital on his own two feet, but refused to let them admit him until he was with Lucy. They threatened him with a sedative, and he just crossed his arms and glared at them, repeating, "Take me to Lucy."

Finally, they escorted him to another floor. An officer leaned against the wall outside her door, but he straightened when they approached.

The nurse in front of him huffed, "This is her husband." The officer nodded and relaxed as they went inside.

She lay against the white sheets, too pale even for her. Her arm was wrapped in gauze but she seemed asleep. His heart beat too fast at the sight of her.

He frowned and opened his mouth to ask the nurse for an update, but she beat him to it.

"She was grazed on the arm, nothing too serious. Just caught in the crossfire. The drugs in her system were more concerning. We've pumped everything out and pushed fluids, so that will help. She'll come to within a few hours. Now, if you'll let us check you in—"

He pulled up the chair next to Lucy and clenched his jaw. "Sure, as long as you can do it right here."

He didn't take his eyes off Lucy the entire time they asked questions. His lack of answers made him frustrated, and eventually he called Helen and Pops to get the answers to the nurse's medical questions for Lucy.

The phone rang. It felt like he was back in high school, calling to tell his Pops about some trouble he or Will had gotten in. It had always been better for him to find out straight from the horses' mouth than from the small town rumor mill.


Mason rubbed his temple and closed his eyes. "Thank God you're awake. Is Helen there?"

"Yeah, she's right here. Just a second. What's going on?" Rustling in the background lulled him, then Helen said hello.

Pops said, "You're on speaker, son. Y'all alright?"

"Mason? What time is it there? It's barely morning here."

Mason looked at the clock in the room and shifted on the seat. "One am. We're in the hospital."

His grandpa's rough voice barked at him. "What do you mean, you're in the hospital? What's happened?"

Mason raked a hand down his face and explained the situation.

"She was drugged and shot in the arm, but it's just a graze. She's going to be ok. The nurses have some questions that I can't answer. Can you help?"

"Of course, dear. Let me talk to the nurse."

Mason handed the phone over and only half listened as the nurse asked questions and typed them into the computer in the corner. His chest was still tight, and his stomach was tense and knotted as he replayed every step of the night.

She never would've been in this situation if it weren't for him. It was all his fault. The nurse handed the phone back to him, and he took it absently.

"Mason? You call me the second she wakes up, you hear?" Helen's voice was sharp and brooked no argument.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Also, don't you let her out of your sight today, do you hear me?" Mrs. Helen's voice came through the speaker, surprising him.

"Yes, ma'am." He hadn't planned on leaving her side for the rest of their trip at a minimum.

"Mason? I'm serious. She's a big girl and stubborn, but don't let her out of your sight today. She takes a while to process things, and she'll need someone there when she does. Promise me, Mason. Please."

"I promise." He couldn't deny Helen any more than he could deny Lucy. Guilt ate at him as she lay deathly still on the bed. At least this was different than last year with Amanda. She hadn't even made it to the hospital.