A gun? WTF did he have a gun??

Are you safe??

Yeah, he's a TX Ranger.

(laughing emoji, wide-eyed emoji)

That's the most action you've ever gotten.

Shut up.

You gonna hit that?

Hell no. I'd never!


If she were a bolder woman, she'd march down there and proposition him. If she were Taylor, she would've already seduced him by now. While Lucy had learned a lot from their friendship, she wouldn't ever have the courage to just ask a guy for a casual encounter.

No, she was more of a long-term relationship type of person. She'd had the same boyfriend for a year in high school, but that was the most she'd ever let herself connect. It had been a nightmare by the end. Then there was all that with her mom.

Her mind turned to the past and threatened to tug her under the tumultuous memories.

"WELCOME BACK, NANA! How was your honeymoon?" Lucy asked as she slid into the booth across from Helen and Ray. They both practically glowed with this settled, content look on their faces.

"It was great. I'm glad we timed it right for your graduation."

Lucy nodded, her leg bouncing under the table. "Me too. I know it'll probably be my last graduation, and it means a lot that you're here. Both of you," she said, nodding to Ray.

Ray grinned, his bushy white eyebrows shifting as his face widened. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, kiddo. Neither of the boys went to college, so this will be a real treat for me."

The server came and took their brunch order. Graduation was a couple of hours away, so they had time for the couple to tell her all about their adventures in Colorado.

"We were afraid we might not make it back, with that snow storm that popped up," Ray said as he bit into his biscuit.

When the meal was over, Helen pulled an envelope out of her purse and slid it over the table.

"What this?" Lucy asked as she opened it. Her eyes scanned the letter and ticket. "Oh my God, are you serious?"

Helen and Ray both beamed, but Helen leaned forward, her eyes shining. "Yes, absolutely. We won it on the cruise that brought us together this summer, and who better to use it than you? Consider it a graduation present, sweet pea."

She looked back at the dates. "This is—I mean, I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll go," Helen said softly, her eyes shining. "You deserve a break. You've worked so hard going straight from high school to college and to now get your master's. It's time to relax before starting the next chapter of your life."

Lucy felt her throat close up and tears threaten. "Thank you," she said, afraid to say anymore.

Ray rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Yes, well, that's not the end of it either. You know my little two bedroom house you stayed in the night of the wedding?"

Lucy nodded so he continued, avoiding her eyes. "I heard about Katie's offer to work in the salon. If you want to move to town, the house is open for you to use however long you want it."

Lucy's brows rose as she glanced from him to Helen and back again. "Are you serious?"

Helen laughed, "I hope you're more eloquent in that book you're writing."

Lucy's cheeks heated as she nodded.

Ray fiddled with his drink, so Helen patted his leg and said, "You don't have to pay rent, but you will need to cover the utilities and cable or anything else you need. Please say yes. I—I'd love to have you close by for a while."