A breeze blew in from the open sliding glass door. He stood and stretched, feeling the stab of pain on his lower back. He saw her reach the edge and push back in a backstroke. A dip in the pool sounded perfect.

By the time he changed and joined her, she was floating on her back and looking up at the dark sky. There were two guys in the hot tub at the other end of their bungalow but the rest of the back patio was empty.

He did a cannonball almost on top of her. He heard her squeal even from under water, and he grinned as he broke the surface and pulled her to him. The feel of her near naked body against his own made his ears ring.

She gasped, and the sound went straight to his cock. "Mason, what the hell was that? You scared the bejeezus out of me."

He grinned, "Oh yeah? Well, you scare me."

"What—what are you talking about?" He lifted her by the ass, and she wrapped her legs around him, making him groan. Her arms snaked around his back to hold him tight.

He walked forward, the water barely five feet and just cresting her shoulders. When her back hit the wall of the pool, he slid a thigh between her legs, making her jaw drop in surprise.

"I'm trying to look out for you, and you keep ending up in situations that I can't control."

"But—but you can tail criminals and tackle suspects?"

He frowned and nuzzled the hollow of her neck. "It's my job."

Her voice was thready. "You can deliberately put yourself in dangerous situations that you can't control, but if I do by accident, it's suddenly not ok? That doesn't make any sense."

He reached his hands down and cupped her ass, grinding his dick against her hot center. His fingers played with the ruffled hem of her bikini bottoms, sliding under to hold her bare ass in his hands.

"Mason." Her gasp of his name made him press into her, and she gripped his arms. Her long nails dug into his flesh.

"Lucy," he mimicked, kissing his way along her jaw to her lips. When he reached the pillowy perfect lips, he leaned forward to kiss her.

But she pulled back, nearly leaning her head on the concrete pool edge. Her eyes closed, and he couldn't read her expression. But her sigh was as big as Texas.

"Mason, you—you don't regret last night, do you?"

He released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. When they were together, his head stopped processing at top speed. He could stop thinking about work because she took up all the space in his head.

He ground into her. "Does this feel like I regret it?"

She frowned and shook her wet head. "No, but you were gone this morning. We didn't talk at all today."

It was his turn to pull back. He released her and turned to lean against the back of the pool. Both of them stared out over the black ocean, stars visible to their right but not their left as clouds moved in.

He sighed. "I love my job, Lucy. I love doing new things every day, keeping the streets safe. I—I had a girlfriend. She hated my job. Begged me to move to a desk job. I put in applications with every agency out there to make her happy."

Silence fell as lightning could be seen in the distance. Finally, her soft hand found his in the water, and she linked their fingers.

"What happened?"

He blinked, trying to push back the memories. His throat closed up, and he physically couldn't tell her. Not all of it, anyway. "It didn't work out. But what I'm trying to say is yes, my job can be dangerous. But I'm not going to stop doing it."

She squeezed his hand. "I'm not asking you to. I just want to talk with you. Didn't we promise our grandparents we'd get to know each other?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I guess we can exchange numbers. That way we can talk."

"And you can tell me your work schedule? I had a lot of fun today at the art museum, but it was lonely by myself. If you have free time, I'd love to spend it with you."

Her voice was soft, hesitant and vulnerable. He turned and pressed their bodies together, gathering her into a hug.

His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest, and he kissed her cheek, his hands flexing on her ass. "I think I can make that happen, little bird."

She shuddered a breath, her nails digging into his biceps and making him want so much more.