Edna patted her lips with her napkin. "That's alright, dear. I know traffic this time of night can be hectic. I'm just glad you made it in one piece."

The blond smiled and turned her piercing blue eyes on Lucy. "How do you do? I'm Malia, and this is Lee. Did we miss the auction?"

Edna shook her head. "It'll close when they bring dessert out. I expect a larger purchase this year with your new job."

The blond smiled and dipped her head. "Yes, Aunt Edna. Of course."

Lucy's nerves got the best of her as she grabbed her wine. "Congratulations on the new job."

Malia smiled, her face lighting up. "Thank you. It's been amazing so far. I never thought I'd be a CEO's assistant, but here I am."

Lee patted her on the hand and smiled. "And you're rocking it, babe."

She smiled at him. "Thanks. So what brings you to the islands?"

Mason cleared his throat and wiped his mouth, then he took Lucy's hand and kissed the back of it. "It's our honeymoon," he said simply.

The older couple at the table awwed, but Malia asked, "But where's your rings?"

Lucy saw Mason's eyes widen in panic. She looked at Malia and arched a brow. "Can you believe we've already lost them in the ocean? We've been here one day. One day! And poof, they just slipped off."

Mason latched onto her story and sighed, releasing her hand and turning back to his food. "I'll buy new ones, don't worry, dear. Do you know any good jewelers around here? Ones who won't take advantage of tourists?"

Lee chuckled. "I do actually. Let me write it down for you." He pulled out a business card and scribbled on the back, then handed it across Malia to Mason.

Mason took it and nodded at it before slipping it into his coat pocket. "Much appreciated. Gotta keep the missus happy, you know."

Edna pursed her lips and glared at Lee. "Glad to see some people starting a relationship on the right foot."

Malia leaned over Mason to whisper to Lucy. "Don't mind her. She's just bent up over the fact Lee is still married to his harpy of a wife."

Lucy blinked. "Ah, I see. Well, you seem like a lovely couple."

Malia beamed. "Thank you. I think so too. So what do you do for work back on the mainland?"

They continued to chat as they ate, the conversation eventually turning to art and different places worth visiting on the island.

Malia said, "Do you have plans later this week? There's a Chinese New Year festival in a few days near Waikiki. You should check it out."

Lucy smiled, feeling more relaxed than she had before dinner. She'd misjudged them, and guilt crept up her spine. "I'd love that. I'm a sucker for a good festival."

Lee leaned back as someone took the stage and tapped the microphone. "That jeweler is on Waikiki too."

Mason nodded as everyone turned to the front and listened to the art director's speech about donations and sponsors. Lucy excused herself to go to the bathroom.

She stepped out of the stall as the door opened, and Malia entered. Lucy smiled and washed her hands, "Did you get to place your bids before they closed?"

Malia stepped up to the mirror and opened her bag to dig for her lipstick. "Yeah, I got them done. Aunt Edna will be happy."

Lucy pulled paper towels and said, "Good. There are some really beautiful pieces here. I hope I get the handmade coasters. My grandma would love those."

She felt the weight of Malia's gaze and looked up. Malia's eyes were narrowed and her face pinched tight around her lips, but when she saw Lucy looking at her, she smiled and relaxed her face.

"If you thought those were nice, just wait until you get to Waikiki. The vendors at the festival have some of the best goods around. Of course, they're overpriced. But tourists rarely realize that."

Lucy nodded and adjusted her dress as she stared in the mirror. "Thanks for the tip. I'll work on my haggling skills."

Malia chuckled and turned back to Lucy with a hand open wide. "Hey, I have a great idea. Let's meet up for lunch the day of the festival. I can take you around and make sure they don't take advantage of your wallet."