Mason nodded. "Yeah, my grandpa gave me an all-inclusive for Christmas."

Simon put his elbows on the desk and linked his fingers together. "Hm, do you have an itinerary yet?"

Mason nodded and frowned. "Yeah, but what do you want me to do? The Rangers have no jurisdiction in Hawaii. We're strictly Texas, remember?"

Simon smirked. "Not if you put in for a sabbatical that starts first of February. Then I can hire you as a consultant for the FBI."

Mason shook his head. "And then what? That would just give the higher ups more reason to stick me on desk duty when I come back. I'm trying to get away from that, Simon."

"I know, I know. But if you have a successful mission in Hawaii as a consultant, you have your foot in the door. It makes a case for your application to move to the top of the pile. And with an internal recommendation from yours truly, plus you know Johnson will write you a glowing recommendation..."

Mason sat up, his pulse racing. "What are you saying?"

Simon smiled like the Cheshire cat. "Help us shut down this drug trafficking ring, and you're all but guaranteed a job with the FBI."

Mason's stomach flipped. This was his dream job, something he'd thought would never happen. He'd been afraid to even think about joining the FBI in the past few years, content with his work with the Rangers.

He sat back, his head spinning. Shit, he was serious. This was an opportunity he might not have again.

Wait, the doctors. He frowned and met Simon's watchful gaze. "What about the doctor's notes about field work?"

Simon nodded, his gaze refocusing as he thought. "You could see a physical therapist while you're there. You'll want to be in tiptop shape by the time you go through academy. But that could take months to process and on board, then get an academy date. The doctors might sign off on it by then. Do you think you can handle the rigor of the academy?"

Mason's jaw clenched as he nodded. "Hell yeah, I can."

Simon grinned and stood, extending his hand. "That's what I thought. This is going to be great, Mason. I can't wait to bring you to the dark side."

Mason laughed and dropped the file back on the desk before shaking his hand. "Have you seen the new Star Wars show?"

Simon put his hands over his ears and shook his head. "No spoilers. Who has time to watch TV anymore?"

Mason grinned and walked to the door. "Don't worry. I won't spoil anything, but I do plan on catching up while on sabbatical in Hawaii next month." He turned and winked at Simon.

Simon picked up the file and said, "Don't forget to put in the paperwork for it."

Mason groaned, "Not more paperwork."

Simon chuckled as he left the office. The thought of this paperwork didn't make him want to grind his teeth. This was his shot, and he was going to take it and move to the big leagues. He'd done his time working up through the ranks. Pops was going to be so proud and excited.

Chapter 10


Lucy wrestled her bright pink checked rolling bag from the back of the hotel bus. It was already sweltering, but at least there was a soft breeze coming off the water. She joined the line that led up to the hotel lobby, pushing her giant bag. Another matching bag sat on top of it, and a third was slung over her shoulder.

Her pale pink summer dress fluttered around her knees. Thank God she'd remembered her sunglasses. The thirteen hour travel time had dragged on, and although it was only four pm local time, she was exhausted. Her body felt more like nine pm and was ready for bed.

The hotel lobby was gorgeous at least. Open air without walls, big wooden pillars, and a thatched roof made her feel like she really was a world away from home.

She waited for her turn in the check in line and texted Helen while she waited.

Made it to the hotel.

Checking in now and about to get the key to the room.

Thanks again for this trip, Nana.

Almost immediately three little dots appeared, followed by her rather tech savvy grandmother's response.