She smiled and curled onto the other end of the couch. It just wasn't meant to happen, which was really for the best, considering she was probably going to see more of him from now on.

Maybe he'd be at their Christmas celebration next weekend. After tonight, she was more inclined to get him a gift, considering he was the hero of the day. She started to think of all she knew of him but wasn't sure what he'd want or use.

Chapter 6

Lucy was nervous as she parked in front of Nana's house the following weekend. When she'd woken up after the party, Taylor had been home and Mason had been gone. She hadn't heard from him at all and didn't even know if he'd be showing up today.

But she'd done her best makeup and nails and had raided Taylor's closet for something sleek and sexy. It was hard to balance trying to impress him and not wanting her grandmother to find out what she was up to.

She bundled up and grabbed the huge Santa bag from the front seat. Then she opened the door and fought the cold air up to the front steps of the house. Helen had lived in this large farmhouse her entire life.

It was where Lucy's mom had grown up and where Lucy herself had come every summer. With all the chaos during her teenage years dealing with her dad, this house had always been home, her refuge from the world.

Especially her senior year of high school when her life had gone to shit, and she'd moved in with Helen for the year. Being with Helen had been the light in the darkness.

She finally pushed the front door open and set her heavy bag down in the foyer. A staircase went straight up with a small bathroom built under it. Behind it was the living room that spanned the entire width of the house. To the right was the kitchen and the left was the dining room.

Ray was sitting in his recliner, hands behind his head as he watched a football game. She could hear it turned up and smiled.

Helen came out of the kitchen and wiped her hands on her apron. "There you are, dear. I was afraid the weather would keep you away."

Lucy smiled and hugged her, then kissed her cheek. "Nothing would keep me from seeing you, Nana. You know that."

Helen pulled back and eyed the bag on the floor. "Goodness, what'd you bring? The whole store?"

Lucy shrugged out of her coat and hung it on the rack by the door. "It's not just you this year, you know. I had to get Ray something too."

Helen's eyes lit up as she glanced into the living room and smiled. "True. I invited your aunts and uncle, but they can't make it."

Lucy clenched her teeth together and forced her smile to remain as she shrugged. "That's ok. More food for me, right? What can I help with?"

She knew dwelling on the missing family would just bring Helen down, and she didn't need that right now. Lucy did her best to chat and take her mind off it while they cooked.

A knock sounded from the door followed by a male voice saying, "Hello, hello, anyone home?"

Lucy's stomach dropped. She hadn't asked Helen if he was coming but had hoped he would. He stepped into the kitchen and filled the doorway with his broad shoulders.

She stirred the gravy and stared. She couldn't help it. He just took her breath away with that black hair that was already starting to show gray again at the temples.

His blue eyes pierced hers and a small smile hovered on his lips.

Helen bustled around Lucy and pulled him into a hug. "Mason, you made it! And just in time for dinner too."

He hugged her back and chuckled. "I wouldn't have missed your first Christmas with the family. Maybe next year you'll be rid of me, though."

Helen leaned back and slapped him playfully on the arm. "Oh, don't talk like that. I'm so glad you're here."

She stepped back and dabbed at her eyes. Mason frowned and met Lucy's gaze, but she just mouthed, "Tell you later," and shook her head.

He nodded and started to remove his coat. She heard Ray in the hallway greet him, then Helen called them all to the table. Lucy turned off the stove and carried the gravy to the dining table.

Helen had put out the fancy china but the table was smaller than normal. Lucy's frustration with her aunts and uncle built as the gaping hole of their absence stared at her. Thankfully, Helen had taken a few leaves out of the table and removed the extra seats.

Lucy sat and Helen held her hands out. Mason was across from her, so she didn't need to be nervous about touching him.

"Ray, will you say grace, please?" Helen asked.

Ray nodded and bowed his head. "Thank you for this meal that we are about to receive. Thank you for the beautiful hands that prepared it. Thank you for nudging Helen to say yes to our marriage. And bless this food, fellowship, and family. Amen."