Page 27 of A New Leash on Life

Her eyes widened, and I knew she was excited. She changed from silly to serious. “Give me the facts of the case.”

“Well, Dolly came from a home where her owner died. Nothing mysterious about that. Anyway—”

My mother’s eyes were wild. She looked at me stone cold.

“What was the cause of death?”

“Old age.” She nodded, looking relieved. “Okay, so what else?” This is what she loved doing

“There weretwodogs in the house.”

My mother pulled her head back fast. “Two dogs? But not bonded?”

I nodded. “Not bonded.”

She let out a gasp. “Okay…so who got the other dog?”

“I’m going to ask about it on Friday at my pet owner’s class.”

She nodded. “Well, there’s no harm in asking. Okay, so what’s the rest of the story?”

“We just met one of Dolly’s presumed litter mates' owners. His name is Eli. And he just texted me.”

Her jaw dropped.

“So let me get this straight. Dolly has asiblingthat was adopted by a good-looking stranger, and now you're getting married?”

“Not quite.” I think even Dolly rolled her eyes on that one. “He said he got the dog named Carter when he was a puppy. Dolly seemed to enjoy playing with Carter for the few minutes that passed. If it wasn’t for the woman standing next to Eli—that, and, well I stepped in some—”

Predictably, she honed in. “What woman?” Her forehead was scrunched together, and she looked riled.

“My best guess, fiancé? Not clear. They seemed chummy. He was also there with his nephew.”

We both caught on at the same time. “Sister?” She asked.

Yes, that had to have been it! No wonder he was so boldly asking a woman for a playdate with his dog. That had to have been a relative.

“In that case,” I flipped the phone over to text.

“Hey! Where did the video go?” My mom protested, even though she’d just been staring at a static screen of Dolly staring back at her.

“I need to text him back,” I said it proudly, and I knew she could hear my smile. “Just hold on a second. I can’t do this without Jesus!” I closed my eyes for a quick prayer and felt the peace of the Holy Spirit wash over me.

“Dear Jesus,

Please forgive my rude behavior at the dog park towards Eli’s sister.

I pray I will not be so quick to judge again.

Please guard my mouth so I don’t appear... Desperate. Please don’t let mefeel desperate, either. I trust You and You’re timing for my love life.

And please let that have been his sister.

In your name,
