Page 8 of Cooked

“He’s a fucking drill sergeant,” said Luc. “I don’t like the way he screams at his team, but they don’t seem to mind. I got a chance to speak with one of the pastry chefs, and she said that it’s pretty much that way in every kitchen she’s ever worked. La Fromage is hot, and they have to ensure that everything they do is cutting edge and ready to be photographed.”

“Photographed?” frowned Ghost.

“Yep. All those fools with social media accounts want to take pictures of their food before they dig in. It’s like a fucking Hollywood premier every time a plate is set on a table. Stupidest shit I’ve ever seen,” frowned Gabe. “I mean, who takes pictures of their food? Is everyone worried they’ll be poisoned?”

“Brother, I’m happy to talk more,” said Luc, “but I need a hot bath, soak my feet, and be ready to get down there by noon tomorrow.”

“Sure,” nodded Nine. “You guys get some sleep. We can always rotate two other guys in if we need to.”

“We’ll be fine after a good night’s sleep,” said Gabe. Ghost slapped their backs and heard a groan, chuckling beneath his breath.

“I think we need to have the tech team look into how much business La Fromage has stolen from other restaurants, potential enemies, or frenemies.”

“I’ll send them a message before I hit the rack,” said Nine.

“You know, I can’t help but think someone on the outside is doing this. I mean, if only a few have access to the restaurant, and the main chefs inspect the food as it comes in, someone had to be doing something to the produce or meat. If it’s stolen, who has the ability to steal that much meat and fish? If it’s tampered with, who has access to it in order to ruin it? There are a lot of unanswered questions.”

“Maybe we check with Sara and Dylan tomorrow,” said Nine. “I could ask Gabi and Riley as well. They might know of something that could be sprinkled on the food and cause rapid food rot.”

“You know, I seem to remember an experiment we did once on an apple.”

“An apple?” frowned Nine.

“Yeah,” said Ghost as they slowly walked toward their cabins. “You know, you cut an apple open, and if you leave it, it turns brown. So, we did this experiment of putting liquid vitamin C on it.”

“Did it work?”

“Like a champ,” chuckled Ghost. “The brown was gone. It taught me two things. One, don’t leave your apple out in the open. Eat that shit fast. And two, make sure you swig some orange juice after the apple.”

Both men laughed, waving at one another as they headed inside their homes. Tomorrow would come soon enough. Tonight, they were planning to hold onto their wives.

Casey wiped her station down, ensuring that every speck of the countertop was spotless, sterilized, and ready for tomorrow. She hand-washed her personal knives and spoons, then gently placed them back in their carrier. Hearing a noise behind her, she turned, seeing Islip.

“Casey? Right?” he asked.

“Yes, chef.”

“You don’t have to do that now,” he smiled. “Dinner is done, thank goodness. I’m just Weston Islip, or you can call me Wes.” She stared at him with trepidation, and he stepped back, raising his hands.

“Oh, no. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m too old to want anything from a beautiful young girl like you. Besides, my one true love died.”

Casey swallowed, staring at him.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“Thank you, but don’t be. She was in a lot of pain. She was the only woman I ever loved. We have a daughter. She’d be about your age now.”

“Is she nearby?”

“Oh, no. She’s working in Europe the last I heard. I used to keep up with her through her mother, but since she’s passed, I’m not even sure of her new address.”

“That must be hard,” she said softly. He nodded.

“What about you? You said you moved here to be closer to your father.”

“Yes. I-I don’t know exactly where he lives, but I’m trying to find him. We haven’t seen one another in a long time.”

“Well, take it from me,” he said, grabbing his jacket and opening the back door, “there’s nothing like family. Find him and hold on. Time moves much too swiftly, Casey.”