Page 47 of Cooked

By the time they finished explaining what happened, Islip was crazy with worry for his adopted daughter. He offered money for ransom, anything to get her back. He even offered to use the awful products in his restaurant if it would just bring Casey back safely. Instead, they encouraged him to stay busy while they went after Casey.

Grateful it was Monday night, he decided to head to Peaceful Endings and keep himself busy by cooking their evening meal for them.

“Let’s go,” said Gabe. “Trak and Dex think they have a lead.”


“You two go,” said Miller to Suzette and Riley. “Take the truck and head out. The parking lot needs to appear empty.”

“Be careful, Pierre,” said his sister, kissing his cheek.

“I will, honey.”

He watched as the two women left the facility, safely in the truck and driving toward home. Inside, he searched for George and Teddy, finding them in the basement level.

“Hey, you guys, leave,” said Miller. “I think they’re going to bring Casey here.”

“Then I’m not leavin’,” said George.

“George, please don’t argue. This could get ugly,” said Miller.

“Boy, who do you think you’re talkin’ to? I’ve fought in more shitholes than you can dream of. I know my way around ugly. I lived through ugly. Don’t tell me to leave a good fight. I’m stayin’.”

“Don’t look at me,” smirked Teddy. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Fuck,” muttered Miller. “Fine, come on. I’m going to set some charges. You two watch for them and make sure Casey is okay.”

George and Teddy made their way to the main floor, hiding in one of the security closets. Miller set charges in multiple locations, waiting for the right time to press the trigger.

“We got ‘em,” came the whisper of George. “They’re takin’ her to the boardroom.”

“Be ready to grab her,” said Miller, making his way down the corridor. He was surprised, and yet not, to find Trak and Dex walking toward him. They both pointed to the room, and Miller nodded.

Standing outside the door, they could hear shuffling behind the doors and then a soft whimper coming from Casey.

“Don’t worry, chef. You’ll be part of the main course tomorrow,” laughed Alex.

When the noise stopped, Miller panicked, thinking they’d harmed Casey. On three, the men slammed through the door, only to find Casey tied to a chair. She shook her head, jerking it toward another room.

Dex took off after the brothers, Trak close behind as Miller knelt in front of Casey.

“We got you, honey. Just relax.” He pulled the gag from her mouth, and she shook her head.

“No! Don’t touch the chair. They put something beneath it.”

Miller pushed back, lying on the floor, and looked up at the seat. Attached to the bottom was an hourglass timer, slowly ticking away. As the sand hit the bottom of the glass timer, the weight increased, putting more pressure on another vial filled with a liquid.

The weight of Casey was causing the dial to move slowly, but if he removed her, the sand would spill completely to the bottom causing the device to react. Looking around the room, he grabbed a large marble bust, judging the weight to be about eighty pounds. He looked back at Casey, realizing he needed another forty or fifty pounds to equal it out.

Seeing a matching bust in the other corner, he grabbed it, placing them on the table beside her.

“Listen to me, when I cut you loose, you’re going to run out that door toward George and Teddy. They’re two older men. You’ll see them. Just run and tell them to run as well.”

“What about you?” she cried.

“Don’t worry about me, honey. I’ll make it.” She nodded, watching as he cut the ties around her. Holding a bust in each arm, he prayed it wasn’t too much weight. “Count of three.”

“Three, two, one. Run!”