Page 35 of Cooked

“Honey, let your daddy breathe,” said Zulu. “Hold his hand, but don’t lay on his chest, okay?” She nodded, sitting up and taking his hand in hers.

While Gabi and Greg hooked Mr. Islip up to the oxygen, Casey held her father’s hand, walking him through all of her school years, her prom dates, and culinary school. Zulu sent a message to Chef Islip, letting him know that the time was coming near. When he arrived, he sat next to his friend.

“Promise me you’ll take care of Casey, Wes. Just watch out for her,” he wheezed.

“You know I will. She’s a talented chef, and she’s going to do well for herself,” said Wes. “But don’t worry about that. We’ve got that handled. You just get well.” The tears in his eyes told Casey that the two men had become friends, and it was going to be hard on her boss when her father passed.

“Should we leave?” whispered Zulu.

“No,” said Gabi. “No, I don’t think he has much longer. His heart rate is weakening, Zulu. He has only a few hours left.”

“Damn,” muttered Zulu. “Okay, babe. Do your thing. I’ll see how I can help Greg with the other residents.”

While Gabi busied herself with Weston, Zulu visited with the other patients, trying to determine what their needs might be for the house. Although Greg cooked all their meals, he wasn’t a chef, and it was definitely a challenge getting them to eat. So, Zulu had an idea.

Two hours later, the SUVs pulled up with kitchen staff, Mama Irene, Faith, Grace, Erin, and Alexandra. They carried tray after tray of food into the house, fixing plates for the patients who were excited to have a true gourmet meal.

Casey fixed a plate for her father, but he barely touched the food.

“It’s delicious. I just can’t eat, Casey. I’m sorry, Miss Irene,” he said, staring at the older woman. She smiled back, nodding at him, then took a seat, holding his hand. “What’s it like?”

“What’s what like, baby?” asked Irene.

“Heaven. Will I go there?”

“I think we all got a good shot at gettin’ there,” she winked. “The beauty of heaven is that it’s whatever you make it. For me, I know it will be full of light and flowers and, God willing, my Matthew will be by my side.”

“Dad, why would you ask Miss Irene that?” He looked at the old woman, and she winked.

“I’m just a good old church lady,” she smiled at Casey. “Your daddy recognized that in me. Don’t worry, you’re gonna be just fine.”

Irene never left his side. Neither did Casey. Surrounded by his newest friends, and a few old ones, Weston Islip passed at midnight on the nose. Casey wanted to weep. She wanted to scream and yell at the heavens, but the truth was, she knew that her father was in a better place. He was no longer in pain. No longer wrestling with the demons of guilt that had haunted him.

He was at peace.


Casey planned to take her father to be buried next to her mother when the time was right. For now, Chef Islip was allowing her time to grieve, staying by her side as much as he possibly could. Four days after her father’s death, she was back at work, wanting to help find the men responsible for the spoiled food.

“Casey, it’s too soon,” said chef.

“No. Please, I need to do this,” she said. “I can pretend to be your daughter.” Chef smiled at her, pulling her in for a hug.

“You don’t have to pretend, Casey. You’re as much my daughter as your father’s.”

“But you have a daughter,” she said, wiping her tears.

“I do. And I wish we were closer, but we’re not. I did a lot of things wrong with Cassidy, all my fault, by the way. She doesn’t have any desire to see me again. I’ve tried, and I’ll continue to try, but I’d be honored if you’d let me be a father figure for you.”

“Oh, Wes,” she said, hugging him. “Yes. Thank you. I’d like to continue working here at the restaurant if that’s okay.”

“It’s more than okay. That is if I still have a restaurant when all this is said and done.”

“It will be here,” said Otto. “Come on, honey. I’m your escort to the market this morning. Let’s go chat with our friends at the shit booth.”

Casey laughed for the first time in days, taking Otto’s extended arm.

“Will you tell me about you?” she asked. “Do you have a family? A wife?”