“Something or someone is destroying these crops,” said Dylan. “Things like this don’t just happen in an hour. Maggots can take days to appear. I think we need to try and find some commonality between all of this. Maybe locations?”
“I think we need to get back to the others and see if we can figure this out. We’re not going to solve it here,” said Wilson.
They passed several other vendors, shaking their heads at the lack of fresh produce. At the end of the row was a large, elaborate tent set up. It had comfortable seating areas beneath the canopy, fans hanging from the rafters of the tents, flowers, and even champagne flowing for its guests.
“Responsible MicroNutrients,” whispered Sara. “God, I hate these guys.”
“What is this?” asked Gator.
“They’re a company that believes they can create better food in a laboratory environment. Their whole premise is making food out of natural seeds but making it better without actually using the natural element. It’s a bunch of bullshit. The stuff tastes like metal,” said Sara.
“Ready to buy now, Sara,” smiled a man behind the table.
“I’ll never buy from you. Your chemical compilations are nothing more than that. They have no nutritional value. And they taste like shit.”
The man glared at her until Wilson stepped in front of her, staring down at him. He was sickly thin, his body reminding him of someone who ran ultramarathons. No fat, but no real muscle either.
“Got something you wanna say?” asked Wilson. The man stepped back, smirking at the group.
“Nope. The end results will speak for itself.”
Wilson pulled Sara toward the truck, Gator and Dylan close behind him. When they were safely inside, Gator looked at the others.
“I think we have a number one suspect.”
“So, there were more than we originally thought?” asked Nine.
“At least a dozen or so,” said Gator. “The vendors themselves were experiencing it. But we think we have a potential business of interest. Responsible MicroNutrients. They claim to be able to replicate natural foods based on the original DNA of a seed or a component of the animal. Sara said she’s tried it, and it’s horrible.”
“Wait, so they think they can reproduce foods in a lab?” asked Ghost.
“That’s what they say,” said Gator. “I didn’t try any of it, but Sara said it tastes like metal.”
“Fuck that,” muttered Ian. “Give me real beef, real chicken, real fish. Throw in some good homegrown vegetables. I don’t want shit grown in a lab.”
“Same, brother,” frowned Gaspar. “Sara? How do we get inside Responsible, whatever the hell they’re called.” She smiled at her old friend.
“Just RMN. That’s what they call themselves. I’m not even sure where they’re located. I asked the same question when they were trying to earn my business. If they’re local, I’d say we send in someone with chemistry experience. Maybe Suzette or Riley?”
“If we send either, you know their husbands will want to go in as well. I’ll see what we can find out about the company and if they’re hiring,” said Wilson. “But don’t count out Miller. I know his chemical experience is explosives, but he can figure this shit out. They’d think he’s just an old guy needing a job.”
“Me too,” said Teddy. They all looked at the ninety-five-year-old grandfather. He’d been in the Army a long time ago, but he was determined to be a part of the team and help where he could.
“Teddy, this could get nasty, brother,” said Nine.
“I’m as nasty as they come, Nine. I might not have your bulk and your size, but I’ve still got my mind, and I know my way around a kitchen.”
“Me too,” said George.
“Fuck,” muttered Gaspar. Sending two elderly men on an op seemed wrong, but Gaspar also knew that both men were more than capable, and like the rest of them, they wanted a purpose. They wanted to feel useful and productive again.
“Look, y’all know Teddy and I can take care of each other. We got to get inside this chemical food shit company and tell ‘em we need jobs. They’ll believe it. Send in the brains if you want to, but I guarantee we’ll find something within a few days.”
“Maybe we should,” said Ghost. “I wonder if we could get Islip to close the restaurant for a few days.”
“He won’t,” said Gabe, nodding as he, Otto, and Luc came into the conference room. “We suggested the same thing to him, but if he loses any more customers, he’s going to lose that restaurant.”