Page 13 of Cooked

Yes, he was tough in the kitchen.

Yes, he yelled at the staff when things were wrong. But he also praised them when things went well. He rewarded them when they received accolades and rewards. He always put their needs and interests first.

“Chef? Are you alright?” asked Talbot.

“I’m fine, Talbot. I just need to find out who is trying to ruin us.” Talbot started to say something but then thought wiser of it. He just nodded, backing out as he grabbed his own meat to prepare for the next order.

Back in the kitchen, the rhythm picked up again as Nine and Ghost took their seats. Otto excused himself from the kitchen, walking out to check on their guests and provide them with an appetizer to hold them over.

“What the fuck is going on, Otto? Maggots?” whispered Nine.

“I don’t know. I’m not sure how that could have happened since the plate was prepared and set on the counter, then domed and brought out. This is the craziest shit I’ve ever seen, and I’d like to not see it again.”

“They had to have been inside the dome,” said Ghost. “Maybe check to be sure there aren’t any others. It doesn’t appear that anyone else had an issue.”

“It’s all crazy weird,” said Otto. “You can see it taking its toll on Islip. He gets hot with the team, but nothing any worse than we would have seen from our commanders. The kitchen runs like a well-oiled machine. Everyone has a role, and everyone admires and respects him. You can see it.”

“Someone wants him to fail,” said Grace. “Financially, is he okay? I mean, maybe he’s sabotaging himself.”

“That’s an interesting thought,” said Erin, looking at her friend. “If he’s having trouble, he might be doing this to get an insurance payout or something.”

“I’ll see if I can find out, but I doubt it. Your meal will be out soon. Sorry, guys,” said Otto.

“Hey, Otto,” called Nine, smirking at his old friend. “You know you don’t really work here, right?”

“I work here for now, which means I’m responsible.” The two men grinned at their friend, shaking their heads.

“You never forget how to take orders,” said Grace, smiling at her husband.

“No, you don’t. Otto was one of the best SEALs I’ve ever known. I’m thrilled he found Robin, or she found him. I’m also glad he’s on our team.”

“Me too,” said Nine.

Their replacement meal was brought by Islip himself. As he waited to watch them remove the dome, he held his breath. When they cut into the steak and took a bite, they all smiled, and Islip let out an audible breath.

“If you need anything else from me, please let me know,” he said with a nod. He stopped at a few other tables, casually speaking to his guests to ensure that everything was okay.

Fortunately, the rest of the dinner shift went well. When the last customer was gone, Islip called the team for a meeting.

“I’m not sure what’s happening here. I don’t understand it. If it’s any of you, I’m asking you now to step forward. I won’t press charges; I won’t pursue punishment. I’ll even give you a recommendation for another restaurant. I won’t understand it, but I promise, all I want is for it to stop.”

“We wouldn’t do that to you,” said Marks. “We all love working here, and I’ve personally learned so much from you. You’re tough, chef, but you’re also fair, and you always teach us what’s wrong when you point out our errors. I’ve become a better chef because of you.”

“I appreciate that,” said Islip, nodding at the other man. “Thank you, everyone. Enjoy your day off tomorrow.”

Islip walked away and headed into his office. Gabe, Otto, and Luc went back to finishing the dishes and wiping counters, watching as each employee left the kitchen. When Islip came out, he nodded at the three men.

“I believe I can trust the three of you to lock up,” he smirked.

“Sure thing,” nodded Otto. He felt sorry for the man, seeing the defeated expression on his face. His whole world was falling apart, and he didn’t know how to stop it. There was no more helpless feeling than losing control over something you never really had control over in the first place.

He left the room, and the three men busied themselves with their last duties. They spoke casually, talking quietly among themselves. When the last of the dishes were done, placed in the racks, and everything was secured, Otto looked around, happy that the room was ready for the next shift on Tuesday.

Finally finished, they began turning off the lights, then stilled.

Luc held up a hand, tapping his ear. The others nodded, having heard something as well. The back door unlocked, and Islip walked in, having forgotten his day planner. They held a finger to their lips, pointing to the closed door of his office.

Gabe pulled his weapon, Luc and Otto following as they slowly made their way to the office. Pushing the door open, Gabe yelled.