Page 21 of Dan

“What do you mean? What changed recently?” asked Dan.

“YZX bought GAM,” said Hiro. All eyes looked at him, then back at Finley.

“That’s right. I couldn’t figure out why. They’re not really in the same fields, but I thought my parents were trying to manipulate me for some reason. That’s when GAM asked me to start working on the drilling project, and I refused. They told me it would be a good opportunity to do something big for our new owners. Except I knew the owners and knew that it didn’t have anything to do with their business. At least not on the surface.”

“Finley, sweetie, I know this is difficult for you,” said Luke, “but even if the detail seems insignificant, I need you to tell us. We think that this is all connected. YZX, GAM, the kidnapping, all of it. In fact, it could be tied to the missile defense system we’re working on at G.R.I.P. as well. Did you know the names of any of your parents’ business associates? People or companies that they do business with?”

“No. I mean, they never gave me any names, and I didn’t interfere in the business meetings. I knew better.”

“You said that you could go in through the back door and change the codes for the dams and levees,” said Hiro.

“And the locks,” she smiled.

“Yes, and the locks,” he grinned. “If those microchips were in the defense system, would you be able to change that as well?”

“Of course,” she smiled. “I could change them no matter where they were.” She stared at their faces, then realized what she’d said.

“Of course,” she frowned.

“Finley, honey, I need you to think back for me. The times when your parents wanted you to work for them, even on short-term projects, it coincided with your admission to the psychiatric hospitals, didn’t it?”

She stared at Hiro and Tanner, then back at Dan. Counting under her breath, she calculated the dates of her treatments, her torture, and the dates that her parents had tried to persuade her to work with them. Sometimes, they only asked that she work with them temporarily. Other times, it was long-term on a special project.

“Finley? Baby, are you okay?”

“They used me. They were trying to use me. When I refused, they tortured me intentionally,” she said, looking up at Dan.

“Baby,” he whispered, holding her against his chest.

“I’m so sorry, Finley. We suspected it when we were in their office at the company. We saw a photo of you,” said Eric. “When I asked about you, they said you were…”

“Disabled? Unstable? Mentally challenged?” she said. “It’s not your fault. That’s what they told everyone who asked about me. The engineers knew it wasn’t true, but they needed the job and didn’t argue with my parents. I don’t know what’s true and what isn’t.”

“I’m the truth,” said Dan. “You and me. That’s the truth. How we feel about one another is the truth. So are all these people here. That you can count on.”

“I believe you,” she said, smiling up at him. “But what are they trying to do? They wanted your business for the weapons system, which is terrifying. They wanted me, most likely, to figure out the coding on the waterway systems. What else is there?”

“We’ll find it,” said Luke. “Did you get the codes changed on the dams and locks?” Finley nodded.

“Yes. I worked with Sly, Code, and a lovely ghost named Tony. You should have told me about the ghosts, by the way. I thought I was suffering from the effects of the shock therapy.”

“Apologies,” smirked Luke. “Tomorrow, I’d like you to sit with Ryan, Sophia Ann, Paige, Alexandra, Code, Sly, and Tony. I want you to try and figure out how all of this is connected, and maybe then we can pinpoint who took you.”

“Okay,” she said, nodding.

“Finley, I should have said this earlier, but you can’t leave the compound for your own safety. Don’t make any phone calls unless one of us is with you and gives you one of our satellite phones.” Sly handed him several boxes, and he opened them, clasping the jewelry on her. “These all have tracking devices and communication devices in them. If you’re taken, we’ll find you. But as long as you’re on this property, you won’t be taken.” Nodding, she smiled up at him, blushing.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” he laughed.

“I just have never received any jewelry before,” she shrugged.

“Baby, you’ll get a lot more, I promise you. Just don’t take this off, okay?” She nodded, kissing him sweetly in front of everyone.

“I promise.”

“Listen, it’s been a long day,” said Luke. “We’ll figure this out, just like we always do, but for now, let’s enjoy dinner and just relax.”

A large pontoon boat pulled into the docks at the end of the tree-lined drive. Several people stepped off, and Finley watched as a tiny powerhouse with white hair charged toward her. She stopped a few steps away, staring at her.