Page 16 of Dan

“Now, we just have to figure out how to change all those codes for the dams, locks, and levees before that maniac figures out a way to flood the whole southern part of the United States,” said Ryan.

“Oh, that’s the easy part,” smiled Finley. “The microchips that control those mechanisms are made by my family’s company, YZX Micro Sciences. I know how to hack into the mainframe and change the codes.”

There were dozens of open mouths staring at her with wide eyes.

“Uh, hun, you might have mentioned that earlier,” smirked Dan.

“Damn,” she muttered. “Sorry. Again. Okay, let me try this. The microchips that run the systems controlling dams, levee systems, locks, and some water supply systems are all made by my family’s company, YZX Micro Sciences. It stands for my mother’s and father’s names. Yancy, my mother, and Zachary Xavier. When I wasn’t able to stay at home alone, my father would bring me to work with him, and I would listen. Obviously, remembering everything.

“One of the engineers knew I was different and would talk to me like an adult, explaining everything to me. I can get into the mainframe of the systems, alter the codes that would bring them down, and put a failsafe to ensure that nothing happens to them. Then, I can rewrite the codes and upload them later when we know everything is safe.”

“You are remarkable,” said Dan, lifting her up and kissing her. The others just laughed, shaking their heads.

“I told you. He’s very good at this.”

After sitting by the fire for another hour talking about what their next steps might be, Finley let out a long yawn, signaling it was time for her to rest.

“Let’s get you back to the cottage,” said Dan.

“Am I staying there alone?” she asked as he pulled her alongside him.

“Do you want to stay there alone?” he said, looking down at her. She seemed to be thinking about how to phrase her response, then stopped, looking up at him.

“I don’t want to be there alone. I’m not sure I’m ready for inter-, I mean, making love, but I’d like for you to be there beside me. Can that happen?”

“Anything you want can happen, Finley.” He kissed her again, pulling her up to match his height. She was so damn tiny he was really worried about breaking her.

“I like that you’re very tall,” she said, kissing him again as he walked with her in his arms, her feet dangling at his knees. “I like it very much.”

“I like how you’re kissing me very much,” he smiled.

“I can feel your penis. It’s larger than I thought,” she grinned. “I’m looking forward to feeling that inside me soon.” Dan groaned, closing his eyes as he devoured her mouth, tasting the roasted marshmallows on her lips.

“Was that wrong?” she whispered.

“Fuck, no. It was right in every way. It’s just when you talk about me being inside of you, it makes me harder and want you more.”

“Oh,” she said thoughtfully. “Then I guess I should talk about it some more.”


Dan was going to have to have a conversation with Alexandra about the wardrobe she left for Finley. The soft ivory satin nightgown barely covered her body, allowing the hard nipples to poke through the thin fabric. She walked innocently around the cottage, picking things up and putting them down again, not realizing that every movement made his temperature rise.

“Aren’t you going to get ready for bed?” she asked, looking at him.

“Uh, yeah,” he nodded. “I will. I just was waiting for you to go to bed.”

“Why?” she asked, cocking her head at him.

“This is a small place,” smiled Dan. “It’s called a garçonnière. It’s where single men coming to call on the daughters of the property used to stay. The loft bedroom upstairs is the biggest, but there is a small one at the back of the cottage. Once you go to bed, I’ll change into a pair of boxers. That’s what I sleep in.”

“Can I watch?” she asked. Dan nearly choked on his water, looking at her. “I mean, if you don’t mind, I’d like to see you undressed and what your penis looks like.” He swallowed, nodding his head.

“Are you sure, Finley?”

“Quite. I think it would ease my fears,” she said, staring at him.

Dan reached behind him, pulling out a pair of boxers from his duffel bag. Kicking off his running shoes, he pushed them aside and then pulled the t-shirt over his head.