Page 12 of Dan

“You have a beautiful smile,” she said matter-of-factly. “I think I’d like to kiss you.” Dan’s eyes grew wide, and he leaned back for a moment.

“Oh. Well, I think I’d like to kiss you as well.”

“Shall we?” Dan tried to hold in his nervous laughter.

“Finley, have you ever kissed a man before?” he asked.

“Yes. Most weren’t very good at it. I mean, I’ve read books that say if you’re very good at it, the woman wants more of it and desires intimacy. You know, sex.” Dan coughed, nodding his head.

“Yes. Yes, that’s what I’ve heard as well. And may I ask, have you had sex with a man before?”

“Once. It wasn’t anything like the books made it out to be. I found it painful and boring. He was done very quickly, and I never experienced the rush of emotion that the books said I should have. I was very disappointed.”

“I can imagine you were,” said Dan. “Finley, I find you beautiful and intriguing. You’re brilliant, brave, and I definitely want to kiss you as well. I think we need to take this slowly. I don’t want to make you afraid of me.” She nodded at him, blushing just a hint of pink in her cheeks. She turned toward him, tilting her head upwards. Dan touched her cheek.

“Just relax. Your body will know how to make this perfect.”

Leaning forward, his warm lips touched hers, molding against her. She did nothing at first, just allowing him to press against her mouth. Then, she reached a hand up, softly running her fingers along his face. Her hot breath expelled against his mouth, and Dan moaned.

Finley couldn’t believe how very different this was from the other men. Her body temperature was rising to a dangerous level. His lips were firm yet soft and molding to her own. The flush of heat radiating down her body was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.

Scooting closer to him on the bench, she set a hand on his thick thigh and felt him tense beneath her. Staring up at his handsome face, her green eyes blinked once, twice, then she pulled back, breathless.

“That was remarkable. Exactly as the books described how it should feel,” she whispered. Dan smiled down at her.

“Yes. It was,” he said, kissing her quickly again.

“Oh, may I do that as well?” He seemed confused by her question. “May I kiss you whenever I like?”

“You absolutely can kiss me whenever you like, but just so we’re clear. We’re only kissing one another. I don’t want to see you kissing any other men.”

“You mean we’re boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“I guess that’s what I mean,” he said. “I’m not a man who has multiple partners at a time, Finley. I’m a one-woman man, and I’d like to believe you’re a one-man kind of woman. We’re monogamous.”

“Definitely,” she said. “The spread of disease is one thing, but the confusion around names and people’s likes and dislikes would make me very confused. I think you would be very easy to get along with and perhaps love one day.” Dan could only laugh, lifting her to sit across his lap.

“You are a delight and joy, Finley Xavier. I like that you’re so very open and honest, not afraid to say what you’re thinking. It makes life much easier for both of us when there are no guessing games.” She slowly wrapped her arms around his wide shoulders, touching the back of his hair.

“Will I truly be safe here?” she asked.

“There is nowhere safer,” said Dan. “It’s almost time for dinner. Are you hungry?”

“I’m always hungry,” she smiled. “I have an extraordinarily high metabolism and can eat non-stop. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No,” he said, shaking his head, “that’s not something I mind at all. One of my teammates, Aiden, his wife Brit eats like you do and never seems to gain weight.”

“Do I need to gain weight?” she asked, looking at him.

“I think you’re perfect. Why do you ask?”

“Well, you’re very tall and very broad, which leads me to believe that your penis is most likely quite large. If we’re going to have intercourse at some point, I should consider that, as I’m quite small. Perhaps I can ask your mother if there is a sex shop nearby where I could purchase a large device to stretch me.” Dan nearly choked on her statement, shaking his head.

“Please don’t ask my mother that,” he said. “If we make love, not have intercourse, I will make sure you’re taken care of. Slow, easy, and with care. You have my word.”

“Alright,” she said, standing and walking toward the cafeteria, “but I feel certain your mother would know what I need.” Dan only shook his head, laughing at himself.

“Lord, help me.”