Page 24 of The Silent Knight

“That’s great. I know you were worried about what she was going to say.” I pour two cups of coffee and hand one over to Sarah along with the sugar.

“Thank you. Coffee is definitely needed today,” she says with a wink. I know exactly what she means. I need this extra fuel as well.

My phone begins to ring in my pocket. Taking it out I see that it’s Ryan calling, probably to tell me about the power situation. I answer it, putting it on speakerphone so I can get some breakfast going.

“What’s up, Ryan?” I ask.

“Tank, the power went out but I have the generators up and running. All the equipment seems to be online except for a few. I called the power company to see which areas and clients don't have power. Other than that, everything is fine.” I pull out some bacon and eggs as Ryan finishes his spiel.

“Good work. There’s nothing we can do for those people until their power comes back so just hang tight,” I answer as I pick the phone up.

“You doing okay, boss?” Ryan asks.

“Yep, just had to crank up my generator so I figured you would be calling soon. Have you checked the weather recently? Is the snowstorm almost over?”

“It’s supposed to clear out by this evening, but the temperatures are still dropping so it may turn into ice. Everyone is being told to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary,” he states.

“Thanks for the info.” I pause for a moment thinking back to something Sarah mentioned to me the night she got attacked. “Hey Crash, can you do me a favor?”

“Anything, Tank. What’s up?” he asks.

“How are the roads up your way and in the city?”

“They are clear. The trucks keep coming through to clear the snow.”

“I need you to get the guys to help you on this one. When Sarah’s car was stolen, he took her donations for the Toys For Tots charity. I need you to go to the toy store at the Galleria and stock up on toys for those children. Get as much as you can fit into your truck and use the company credit card.”

“Will do, boss.”

“Thanks, man.”Ryan hangs up as I slide my phone back into my pocket.

“Travis, that’s too much. I can’t ask you to do that for me.” she says with a frown.

“I told you that I would take care of it. This is me taking care of it. You don’t want them to go without do you? Those toys in your trunk are probably long gone by now.” I walk in front of her and take her hands in mine. “Let me do this for you.”

“I’ll pay you back for everything.” She rushes out.

“No, you won’t. I am doing this for your peace of mind and for those children. I don’t need repayment.”

“Thank you, Travis. You don’t know how much this means to me.” she gushes then she get serious for a moment. “Did he just call you Tank?” Sarah asks with asmile on her face.

“He did. That was the name I was given in the Army. Is that funny to you?” I ask with a quirk of my brow.

“No, not at all. It’s cute. I like it,” she admits with a laugh.

“Cute? You think my nickname is cute?” I move around the counter to stand in front of her.

“Yes, very cute. Do I get to call you Tank as well?” she questions with a smirk on her lips.

I pick her up, throwing her over my shoulder as she squeals and kicks her legs. “No, you may not. You can call me, Sir.” I pop her ass then toss her on the couch. She shrieks as she bounces up a couple times. I jump on the couch caging her in, she giggles and surrenders herself to me.

“I’m sorry,” she laughs, “I’m sorry,Sir!” she enunciates but it’s too late. My hands go to her sides and dig in tickling her until she can’t take it anymore.

Harley comes over and jumps up on the couch trying to paw me away from Sarah. “I’m not hurting her, am I, kitten?”

“No,” she says between fits of laughter. “Get him Harley! Us girls have to stick together,” she chuckles. “Okay, okay! Mercy!” she shouts. I laugh right along with her. She has the most perfect laugh. Well not just the laugh, everything is perfect about her. I stop the assault on her ribs then lean over bringing my mouth to hers. As I pull away from her lips, I plant kisses on her cheek, forehead, and tip of her nose.

“Come on, let’s go make some breakfast.” As I sit up,I grab her hand bringing her along with me We head to the kitchen and get started on breakfast. Sarah cranks up some Christmas music on her phone and we dance around the kitchen making eggs and bacon.