Page 16 of The Silent Knight

Once I reach my house, I cut the engine and realize I have a missed text from Sarah. My heart drums in my chest hoping that she made it home safely.

Sarah:Thank you for a wonderful night. I’m home and just to let you know the door is locked and secure.

That little smart ass. I chuckle when I reread her message.

Travis:I glad you are locked safely into your apartment. I just got home myself.

Sarah:I’m glad to hear it. The snow was really falling down.

I ponder what I want to write to her. I need her to know that I want something more than just a friendship. The words don’t come to me.


6 days til Christmas…


The work day goes by slowly, Travis and I spend most of Friday texting back and forth. I invite him to the gallery show tomorrow and he accepts. I think this is turning into something real and I'm as excited as I am nervous. I wish I had my best friend here to talk to, but she and Miles have already left to spend Christmas with Lizzie’s family.

I don’t have time to plan anything with Travis for today since I have to make sure everything is ready for the event tomorrow. I will be working late into the night. If it goes as planned, I’ll be up for partner in the firm. I’ve worked my ass off the last three years for this position and I deserve it more than anyone here. Better me than Vivian. She tries to take my ideas and run with them but not this time. This exhibit is my baby, as was Club Vibe.

I have more than earned my spot at the top. I just hope everything goes as arranged. But you know what they say about all the best laid plans…

Chapter 11

5 days til Christmas…


Saturday is finally here. I’m excited and nervous to be hosting this event. I have been putting this art show together for months, tonight it will finally pay off.I invited Travis tonight to come and see the work that I do, he said he would be here, so I definitely dressed for the occasion in my little black dress. You can’t go wrong there.

I get to the studio early to make sure everything is set up correctly. The paintings have already been hung according to the artist’s specifications. I just need to make sure all the decorations are how I envisioned them. I want this to be perfect. The caterers are already here getting champagne into all the glasses as Emily, the artist, goes around to make sure all the paintings are perfect. This is her showing and I know she is nervous, so I gave her a bit of a peptalk earlier. I know I’m missing something but I’m not sure what it is until I see the Christmas tree in the corner without the children’s gifts under it. Guests had to buy tickets to this event as well as bring a present for Toys For Tots. I left the box with the presents donated at the office in my car. I check my watch and know I have enough time to run out there. I forgo my jacket even though there are snow flurries in the air. I’m just going to run to my car and comeright back inside. Getting my jacket from the back would take away precious time that I don’t have to waste.

Rushing out of the door, I’m momentarily frozen in place by the cold wind. The snow storm is going to start any minute. I just need to get to my car and back inside before I turn into a popsicle. I look across the parking lot at the man staring at me, an eerie feeling slides over my body leaving goosebumps in its wake. Travis told me I needed to be more conscious of my surroundings, but now it’s too late. I can feel him closing in on me and there is no way to escape. The predator caught it’s prey and the prey is me.


I fly into Travis’ arms, my emotions clog my throat once I realize I’m safe. Tears spring from my eyes and down my cheeks as he demands answers from me.

“What the hell happened to you? You’re hurt, Sarah! Who did this to you? I’m going to find them and put a fucking bullet though their fucking skull.” His anger radiates off of him making me tense. “I’m sorry, baby. Take deep breaths. In and out. In and out. Good, just like that.” He holds me close against his body, opening his jacket and enveloping us both inside. His cologne fills my lungs and makes the tension in my body loosen to some degree.

“Th-there was this man,” I start with a sob. “He held a gun to my h-head.” I press my hand to my forehead feeling a sticky mess where the rough barrel broke through my skin. I’m sure I look like a mess, but I have zero fucks left to give. They flew out of me the moment I took off through the cluster of parked cars. “He stole my car and purse.” I know I’m still in shock and the severity of this situation willhit me soon enough. I tell him everything that happened, and Travis’ jaw is clenched by the time I finish recalling everything I can think of.

“I’m getting the police out here now. Come wait in my truck until they arrive so you won’t be so cold. Why are you out here without a jacket, Sarah? Damnit, you’re freezing!” He exclaims as he runs his hands along my arms. I shake my head not having the will to answer any more questions right now. Travis helps me into his truck and turns the heater on full blast. He closes me in and makes a few phone calls while I wait in deafening silence. All I can hear are the threats from that man. His raspy voice calling me a bitch, threatening to kill me. I don’t want to hear what he’s saying to the police, and I don’t want to be here anymore I just want to go home. But I don’t want to be alone. If that robber goes through my glove box he will see where I live and any other information that I have in there. I can’t go home, it’s not safe, even with all the gadgets that Travis installed. The man could wait outside for me until I came downstairs and then finish me off. I mean he could have done that tonight. He had the gun and everything. A shiver runs down my spine at the thought.

Police cars with their lights on begin piling into the parking lot. Opening the truck door, I take a deep breath and steel myself for all questions to come. Travis comes around to my side and takes my hand.

“You’ve got this. Just tell them everything you told me then I’ll get you out of here.” Travis promises in my ear. He wraps his jacket around me as the snow fall begins to pick up around us.

Several police officers come up to me to take my statement. As I recount the events of the evening, a crowdbegins to form from people on the streets to the gallery attendees. I clasp my eyes together tightly wishing this was all a dream. I feel like I can’t breathe, I’ve lost the will to keep up this battle. I need to get out of here. To hell with the art showing and the promotion within the company. I want to go somewhere safe and never come back to this place. My soul feels like it was shot tonight, and I don’t know if I will ever recover.

“Thank you, Miss McKenzie. If you have any questions just call this number here.” The officer tries to hand me the report, making my shaking hands obvious to anyone watching. Travis takes the paper from me and envelopes my hands in his.

“Thank you officers. Please let us know if you find anything.” Travis shakes their hands then leads me away.

“You’re coming home with me. I want to make sure you are safe.” I open my mouth to argue, but it’s quickly closed when Travis continues, “Don’t argue with me. I will carry you over my shoulder if I have to,” he growls.

“It’s not that I don’t want to I just don’t want to be a burden right before Christmas. I’m sure you have other plans that I would interfere with.” I whimper as he leads me back to his truck.