Page 11 of The Silent Knight

Sarah:I feel much better, actually. I took the meds like you suggested. I think I’ll be able to head back to worktomorrow.

Travis:That’s good to hear. Would you like to plan to meet up after work?

Text bubbles appear then disappear. Then she finally responds.

Sarah:I have plans to go Christmas shopping, but we can plan something before. I really dropped the ball this year and haven’t gotten my shopping done already.

Travis:You still have plenty of time.

Sarah:I guess so. It will just get busier and busier as the days go on. I don’t really care for crowds so hopefully I can knock it out in one night.

Travis:I’m sure you can. I’ll text you the details tomorrow.

Sarah:I look forward to it.

I place the phone on my dresser as I pull out some sweats to wear for the rest of the day. I called the office and told them something came up so there isn’t anywhere I need to be. I can just hang around here and maybe get some work done on those spare bedrooms. The renovations crew is here so I might as well offer my services to get this job done faster.

For the rest of the day, I get lost in manual labor. It’s been a while since I’ve done anything this strenuous, with the exception of working out every day. It feels good to get my hands dirty. It almost feels like I’m back in the Army, just without the harsh conditions.

Once the crew calls it a day, I head downstairs to let Harley out. There is a little snow on the ground which she will love. She’s that crazy dog that jumps around in it. Sheeven tunnels her way under it completely when there is more of it.

She sees me coming and races over to the door, bouncing up and down, waiting to be let out. As I open the door, Ryan calls. He's normally able to handle everything on his own, so if he is calling there is a problem somewhere.

“Ryan, what’s up?” I question wanting to get down to the problem.

“I was checking all the monitors before I left for the day, and it seems that the new unit you put in for Miles Knight isn’t working properly. The door lock doesn’t seem to be online. I rebooted the system, but it still says there’s an error. Would you like me to go over and take a look?” He asks. That’s Sarah’s door he’s talking about, I’ll be damned if another man goes over there except for me.

“No, I’ll go have a look. Thank you for letting me know. Anything else?” I’m hoping that’s all because I need to get to Sarah’s apartment to make sure she’s safe. I’m already pulling on my shoes and opening the door to let Harley back inside. She comes flying through the door and skids to her water bowl in the kitchen.

“I’ll be back, girl.” I scratch behind her ears as she perks up, knowing that I’m leaving.

I jump in my truck and make my way across town. I texted her before I left but I haven’t heard anything. She needs to be better at responding or I will end up at her place more often than not just to check on her.

I pull into the parking lot for her building and cut the engine. I pull my bag of tools from behind my seat and head up to her apartment, nearly knocking over a caroler on the way.

“Sorry ma’am. Sorry.” I yell back as I make my way up the stairs.What the hell is wrong with me? I almost took out an old lady singing Christmas carols in an effort to get to Sarah.I round the corner and jog to her apartment door which is thankfully closed. Leaning down to check the device I hear something that can only be described as the sound of dying cats screeching out. Twisting the handle, I open the door to a sight that will be permanently seared into my mind.

Sarah is in a pair of pale purple satin shorts with a matching tank top. She has mismatched Christmas socks that go up to her knees, but that’s not the part I’m concerned about.

Sarah has a hairbrush in her hands and is belting out a Christmas song. I think it’s that one by Mariah Carey that people go crazy over every year. She is absolutely carefree and stunning as she dances about and sings.

“I don’t want a lot for Christmas.

There is just one thing I need.

Don’t care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree.

I don’t need to hang my stocking there upon the fire place.

Santa Claus won’t make me happy with a toy on Christmas day.

I just want you for my own.

More than you could ever know.”

She squeaks out. I think under normal circumstances she would sound okay but with her having been sick, she sounds like a frog. I can’t help but to sit here in awe and laugh at this side of her that I’ve never seen.She shakes her ass and slides around the floor on her socks singing along with the loud music. It isn’t until she turns her sassy self around that she sees me there smiling at her. The pure shock and embarrassment on her face isn’t one that I’ll soon forget. She drops the brush from her mouth and rushes to her phone to stop the music. When she looks back up her cheeks are rosy, probably from the exercise and the embarrassment.

“Wh-what are you doing here, Travis?” She asks a bit out of breath.