Page 21 of The Silent Knight

“Look at me, you bitch. No one is coming to save you.”

The thoughts of last night keep swirling in my mind and I can’t make them stop. One minute I’m fine and the next I’m right back in that parking lot looking at the Devil himself. I need to get my mind under control, I just don’t know how. Nothing like this has ever happened to me, I don’t want to even leave this house. I’m scared to go outside. I know I’m being irrational, but fear isn’t rational.

I try to get my breathing under control as Travis slides me a cup of coffee.

“I don’t have all the crazy creamers, but I do have sugar. I hope that’s okay. We can try to get to the store today, but I don’t know how the roads will be and there’s even more snow to come,” he says.

“This is fine. I can just add some sugar.” I take the mug and spoon in several scoops of sugar and mix it up. It’s not the best but it will do. “I don’t think we should risk driving in this. We can stay here. Creamer isn’t that important,” I reply. I don’t want to leave the safety of this house.

“That’s probably a good idea. I haven’t seen whatshape the driveway is in, but if the backyard is anything to go by then I think we would have a situation on our hands. I guess you’re stuck here with me for a while.” Travis smiles as he begins making the pancakes.

I wonder what I’m going to do about work on Monday. I don’t want to even call and see how the gallery show went. I know Madison took over because she knew all the details of the event. I’m thankful that she was there to step up, but I feel dread when I think about work. I know I probably didn’t get that promotion even though the events of the evening weren’t my fault. Even without the snow, I doubt I would be able to go into the office this week. Well, it would only be Monday and Tuesday because the rest of the week everyone has off for the Christmas holiday.

“What are you thinking so hard about over there?” Travis asks as he flips the pancakes perfectly.

“I was thinking of work. I don’t really want to find out how last night went without me there to handle any mishaps.” I take another sip of my coffee.

“I’m sure everything went smoothly. You spent months planning it and you had gotten everything ready before you went outside,” he mentions as he plates some pancakes then slides them over to me.

“I suppose so. I need to check my phone to see if anyone has tried to get in touch with me. Especially the police.” I stand from my chair, but Travis is there to push me back down.

“Breakfast first then we can deal with whatever we have to. Alright?” I nod as he pushes my chair back in. I wait for him to sit down beside me before I dig into the delicious looking breakfast.

“This is so good!” I exclaim with my mouth full of pancakes.

He chuckles as he takes his first bite. “They are pretty good. My mother taught me how to cook before I went to college. So, then I was able to cook for everyone in the Army when I needed to,” he states as he dives back in for another bite.

“I didn’t get any cooking skills passed down to me. I can cook a mean box meal but that’s about it. Even then it’s sometimes burned.” I blush from embarrassment.

“I’ll teach you. We’ll have plenty of time since we’re snowed in,” he replies.

“That sounds fun.” We finish eating then clean the kitchen so that there isn’t a mess to deal with later. Once everything is finished, we go into the living room and relax on the couch. I look at my phone and see that I have a missed call and voicemail. I listen and it’s the police checking in on me and letting me know that they still haven’t tracked him down but that they are still working on it. I had it on speaker phone so Travis could hear the news. Once they hang up I look to Travis. His jaw is set and he seems angry.

“Is everything alright?” I ask.

He looks at me with a forced smile. “Yes, I just wish they would find that bastard and throw his ass in jail. I don’t want you to be fearful that he hasn’t been caught yet.”

“Well, thankfully I’m here with you and you have all the security possible.” I mention.

“I do. Plus you have me. No one will hurt you as long as you’re with me.” I let out a sigh of relief and cuddle intohim.

Travis turns on the TV while I get a good look at his space. I didn’t get a chance to last night, so it’s like I’m seeing everything for the first time.

“I can’t believe you don’t have any Christmas decorations up. I know you are a bit of a grump, but we need to have a tree or something. Please tell me you have some decorations hidden somewhere.” I look at him pleadingly. Decorating his house will take my mind off everything. I also don’t want to be stuck in a house that doesn’t even have some Christmas lights up.


“I knew you were going to mention that. I was waiting.” I sigh and scratch my beard. “I think I do have some decorations we can put up. My mother sent them to me when I bought this house, she knew that I wouldn’t buy them myself.” I straighten up on the couch as Harley comes over and lays her head in my lap. “I think I put them in a hall closet.”

Sarah jumps up clapping her hands together. “Well come on then. Let’s go get them. We have a house to decorate.” Harley even jumps up and barks at me like she knows what we are talking about.Traitor.

“Are you serious? We have to decorate? Can’t we just watch a Hallmark movie?” I question even though that sounds equally as painful.

“We can put one on while we decorate. Come on, it will be fun!” she exclaims. I groan as I get up and lead her to the closet that houses the decorations.

She gets excited when she sees all the Christmas stuffI have. Sarah takes inventory of everything before she looks at me. “You don’t have a tree. That’s the only thing we’re missing.” She says downcast.

I can’t stand that look on her face, so I cave. “I have some trees in the backyard that would work. Let’s get bundled up and go out and look for one.” She jumps into my arms and kisses me with so much passion that I find I want to do more things for her to see this reaction.