Page 67 of The Starry Knight

“We’ll plan another time soon. It was good to meet you Stormy. Take care of my boy.” She says and I roll my eyes. Stormy is the one that needs taken care of, not me. I lead Stormy to the car, placing my hand at the small of her back. Her warmth spreads through my arm and I never want to take my hands off of her. Opening the door, I lock her into place and jog around to my side of the car. I slide in, dusting the snow from my hair and shoulders.

“I had a good time. Thank you for bringing me. I love your mother. She is so welcoming.” Stormy confesses.

“She loves you as well. I can tell.” I reply to her. A smile forms on her face.

“I guess that’s good since you said you aren’t going anywhere.” She teases.

“It’s exciting about Lizzie being pregnant. She’s thrilled.” Stormy gushes.

“Yeah, Miles is, too.” I reply as we head down the long driveway. “Do you ever think about it?” I ask, needing to know where she is.

“What? Babies?” She questions.

“Yeah, I mean you having them. Us having them. Do you want kids?” I query.

“I’ve thought about it more recently than I ever have. I didn’t have a good childhood and I would never want to bring a child into a situation like that. My parents’ were always so busy working that they never came to recitals or softball games. I just want to be able to be present, maybe even a stay-at-home mom. But yeah I think about it, especially since I missed two birth control pills.” She admits.

“I didn’t know you had missed another one.” I speak with a little more enthusiasm than I probably should. “What if you could be a stay-at-home mom? What if you didn’t have to work? You could go to school if you wanted or not if you didn’t. But you have the studio now for any time you want to paint or draw or anything your heart desires.” I declare.

“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to be upset. I didn’t do it on purpose.” She explains. “So much has been going on the past few weeks and I missed two days. I thought you might think I was trying to trap you.” I confesses.

“I would never think that about you. It’s you and me now. You know that, right?” I look over to the passenger side and see her nod her head.

“I would love to be a stay-at-home mom, but I also would feel guilty for not pulling my weight with bills and everything. I wouldn’t want that pressure on you.” She says.

“Listen, I could quit working now and we would have enough to live on for the rest of our lives. I like what I do. I love working for my father’s company. AndI would want you to be at home with our children. They need that kind of love in the household. My mother stayed at home with us and look how great I turned out.” I tease.

“I guess this is something to talk about if I don’t get my period.” She states, looking out the window at the snow flurries.

“I don’t want you to take your birth control anymore.” I command.

She turns in her seat and looks at me. “What?” She asks.

“You heard me. I don’t want you to take it anymore. I haven’t been joking when I mentioned it after we have sex. I want you pregnant with my child.” I announce.

“I thought you were just in the moment when you would say that or push your cum back inside me. I thought maybe you had a breeding kink.” She answers.

“I do when it comes to you. Never in my life have I wanted a child but with you I do. It makes me fucking hard as fuck thinking of you pregnant with my child.” I respond.

“Oh. I don’t really know what to say, Sebastian. You’re kind of springing this on me. I mean have you thought this through? Is this some kind of competition with Miles?” She asks.

“Hell no, it’s not. If there is something I want, I go after it. I want you. All of you. I want you to be my wife and the mother of my children.” Fuck it. I’m putting all my cards on the table. This probably isn’t the best place to have such an important conversation, but we’re here so oh well.

“Alright, call down you caveman. I was justasking.” She takes a deep breath and lets it out. “I want to be engaged before we start trying to have a baby. I want that commitment. I’m not telling you to ask me now, I’m telling you that’s what I want. That puts the ball in your court, big boy.” She looks at me and winks. God, I love this firecracker. If she wants to be engaged, she had better be ready. I’ll stop at nothing.

Chapter 33


The day has come for me to move my things out of my old apartment and confront Lana at the same time. Sebastian and the movers will be coming with me, and they all signed NDAs for whatever they might see or hear. Sebastian and I head down the elevator to meet the moving crew in the garage.

“Are you sure you want to be there today? I can get your stuff and get out if you want?” Sebastian questions. He has been tiptoeing around with the idea all morning. But I need to do this. I need to see Lana and hear what she has to say. It’s been driving me mad trying to figure out why she sold my story to the press.

“I’m sure. I need to talk to her, Sebastian. I need some answers.” I respond, twisting my fingers in knots as the elevator opens. I’m nervous to say the least.

“I understand. I just hate to seeing you have to go through this. If she starts a fight, I’ll be more than happy to step in and finish it.” He remarks. Of course, he will. I smile to myself at my caveman.

“Believe me, I know. Let’s just get this over with.” Sebastian opens my door then gives the crew the address to my apartment in case they get stuck in traffic and can’t follow us. He slides in his car, and we take off down the road. I should have taken some medicine this morning. This is making me super anxious, but I wantto be strong and not use the medication as a crutch any longer.