Page 2 of The Starry Knight

I take a few moments to catch my breath, but once I emerge from the car, only Sean, Blaine’s nephew, is outside grabbing some of the bags. I nod my head to him and walk into the house. I hear the men setting everything up, I quickly turn right, heading straight to our bedroom to get cleaned up.

Stepping out of the room, I see that dinner is ready. I would normally sit down to eat with the family, especially since it’s our last night here, but I’m not in the mood to play the happy wife. I make myself a plate and head back to the room, excusing myself with a migraine. Tonight’s the last night we’ll be staying here, tomorrow we start the world tour.

I sit on the bed, thinking about what my life was like before all this world tour craziness. Blaine and I became best friends in middle school. We bonded over our love of music and art, growing closer and closer until our friendship turned romantic. We spent a lot of time together and it made sense for us to date as well. There wasn’t ever a particular spark between us. More like comfort.

We started the band back in high school and named it Damaged Jacks. Jacks after Blaine’s last name. It was just for fun, a way to pass the time until we graduated. In the beginning, I would sing along to Blaine’s guitar. We eventually added more musicians; a drummer, bass guitarist, and a keyboardist. We practiced in different garages throughout our high school years, then we started playing our songs in small pubs and bars in the area. One night we were playing our regular set and a talent agent happened to be in the audience. He offered us a chance to play for his record label and before we knew it, our songs were being played on the radio. We spent months in a recording studio putting together our first album. Once that was complete, there was a whirlwind of local shows, interviews and ultimately planning a tour.

We were so excited by the radio plays, we then spent months in the recording studio. With the tour right around the corner, we decided to spend the week before we leave with his parents. They're our only family here and we knew we wouldn't see them for a while. They’re our only family here. My parents had passed a few years back in a car accident. As they were leaving my graduation a drunk driver crossed over into their lane. They all died on impact including the drunk driver.

It was the worst day of my life. But I didn’t get time to grieve. The band always came first, then Blaine decided we should get married. That way I would have a family since I was alone now. At the time, it seemed like the right thing to do. We rushed the wedding and purchased a place to live within weeks. It was more of a marriage of convenience, but I went along with it, I know Blaine was only trying to do what was best for me. I’m not sure it was the right decision, though. I love him with my whole heart, but it’s a different kind of love. We’re more best friends and roommates than lovers.

After the band got signed to a record label, Blaine changed. He wasn’t the same carefree boy I once knew. He became controlling and more concerned about the band than me. Blaine welcomed the spotlight that was thrown at us, while I tried to fade into the darkness. I’m not looking forward to this tour like the rest of the band. Sure, being famous has its perks, but the added stress doesn’t make it worth it. Of course, I can’t talk about any of this with Blaine, he has a way of changing our discussions in favor of himself. I sigh as I lie on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. We leave tomorrow so I need to face the facts and put on a smile for the world to see.

The first stop on our tour is going to be New York City. Blaine and I have always wanted to go there together. I am excited to see the city. We’ll have a couple days of sightseeing before getting down to business.

Remembering my dirty plate from dinner, I stand from the bed, stretching to get the kinks out of my back before grabbing it and heading down to return it to the kitchen. I tell the men good night and give Blaine a kiss on the top of his head. They have everything set up to dismantle and clean the guns we used so they will be ready for the next time. When I get back to the room, I finish packing our things, leaving out a change of clothes for tomorrow. Once I’m satisfied everything is where it needs to be, I climb into bed. Sleep comes easy with the stressful, long day I had. Never in my life could I imagine that the next time I woke I’d be witnessing the worst thing I’d ever seen, my husband dying on the kitchen floor.

Chapter 1


“Moving sucks ass,” I mutter under my breath as I pile another huge box from the moving van onto the street.My mind wanders as I lift boxes, it’s been one hell of a year. I went into a state of shock after witnessing Blaine’s death. I went into shock after witnessing Blaine’s death which forced me into an extensive therapy program that made me deal with my parents’ and husband’s death. The therapist was able to get me out of my commitment to the band by stating I was mentally unstable, which if course was true. There was no way I would have been able to go on tour with a band I started with my late husband. Some days I didn’t think I’d be able to go on at all, much less sing in front of a crowd. I can’t deny I miss the adrenaline rush, though, I know in my heart I could never go back to it I don’t think I’ll ever sing again. Even listening to the radio is painful. Music just doesn’t illicit the same kind of euphoric emotions it once did.

?After completing the therapy program, I took off. I knew I wanted to come to New York. That was always in the cards. Plus, I wanted to attend art school and they have one of the best ones in the country. With no real ties to Florida, I sold our house, packed up most of my belongings, and set off for the Big Apple. Fortunately,I was able to find a roommate through the university’s website since I don’t know anyone in the city. I emailed her once. So, who knows what I’m walking in to.

“Hey there,” a voice booms behind me causing me to drop my current box on the sidewalk, I turn to put a face to the voice. I’m momentarily at a loss for words. This woman’s head looks like a fucking Picasso painting. Well, more specifically, her hair. I’ve never seen so many unnatural colors on one head in my life. “I’m Lana. You must be Stormy. I’m so happy to finally meet you.” She runs over and wraps her arms around me like a boa constrictor.Fuck my life, she’s a hugger.Ever since the night my life stopped, I like to keep to myself, and I definitely don’t hug people. Especially ones I don’t know.

“Heh, yep that’s me. Nice to meet you.” I awkwardly manage to squeak out, before she releases me. I feel like I might have made a mistake, this is not going to go well. I take a moment to try to catch my breath and move my gaze down to her clothes and they are just as bright as her head. I don’t think we could be any more different if we tried.

“I’ve been just dying for you to get here. I know I already said it but I’m just so excited to finally put a face to the name. Here let me help you with these!” She grabs the box out of my hand, while continuing to talk a mile a minute. “Your parents didn’t come to help you move in?” Lana asks as she heaves a large box around in her arms, trying to get a more comfortable grip.

“They couldn’t make it. They’re dead, so, you know, it’s just me,” I reply without looking. I’ve finally rendered her speechless. A feat I didn’t think possible.

“Oh my God, I am so, so sorry. I didn’t know.That’s so terrible. Gah, I can be so insensitive. I shouldn’t have even asked. Oh, of course they’d be here if they could. Please forgive me. I’m so sorry, Stormy. I didn’t want our first meeting to be like this. I want us to be the best of friends, then I go and put my foot in my mouth,” Lana rushes out, dropping my box to the ground and coming back over to me for what I suspect would be another hug. I hold the box for dear life. I notice she looks at me like she wants to cry, which might be worse than a hug.

“Look, it’s not a big deal. Don’t beat yourself up about it,” I see tears in her eyes as I say this.Fuck, I’m not prepared for this kind of emotion.I start second guessing my choices, I should have tried to get a place without a roommate, but I didn’t want to spend more of the inheritance my parents left me or the life insurance I got from Blaine’s death on housing. I’m already paying for school and this apartment and everything else, I’ll need to get a job soon so that I never have to worry about money. I hear Lana take a deep breath and it brings me back to the present.

“Still, I’m very sorry for your loss. I won’t bring it up again,” she says in a much more reserved tone. “Let’s get these boxes in before it starts to rain.” Thankfully, Lana doesn’t ask any questions and picks up the box she had dropped, and heads inside. I follow along behind her, wishing the whole packing and unpacking along with the introduction part was already over. I’m tired of moving and I’m only twenty-two years old. How many more times am I going to have to do this? I think to myself, maybe next time I’ll hire movers. This shit is for the birds.


Once all my belongings are inside, Lana gives me a tour of my new apartment. It’s bigger than I thought it would be and I’m so thankful for that. I like my own space and being crammed in with this ball of energy isn’t my idea of a good time.

“This is our bathroom. We have this shower and a nice clawfoot tub. Don’t you love those?” I nod my head as she goes on pointing out things I can already see with my own eyes. I continue to acknowledge her with a nod while I look around for myself.

The bathroom is nice and big. There are two sinks, so we won’t have to share. There seems to be adequate cabinet and drawer space as well, so we won’t have crap out all over the counters. I want to keep things nice and tidy, and I truly hope that Lana isn’t a slob. It might just send me over the edge if she is.

Heading out of the bathroom, she takes me back to the living room that we had passed through when we brought my boxes in. I didn’t get a chance to look around because we were trying to beat the rain. Luckily for us, this apartment came partially furnished. Neither of us had to bring any large furniture, which is great. I can imagine myself and Lana trying to bring in a mattress or couch. Even with the help of the elevator, it would have been disastrous.

The living room is nice and spacious with a gray L-shaped couch facing a large bank of floor-to-ceiling windows. This might be my favorite part of the apartment; I think especially since the windows overlook the street below but with a beautiful view of the sky above. The apartment overlooks the streetbelow, but you can also see the beautiful sky above. Being on the tenth floor gives us that advantage. Once I step back from the windows, I see there are floor lamps on either side of the couch and a modern black coffee table sitting on a white shag rug that looks softer than silk. There isn’t anything on the walls with the exception of one painting off to the side. I move closer to get a better look. I can tell instantly that this is an original. I search the bottom to find the signature and am taken aback when I see Lana’s initials on it. I figured it came with the apartment, but she hung this herself. I am more intrigued by this woman now. If she can paint something like this, she has depth further than her crazy exterior.

“Oh, we can take that down if you want. I was just trying to get some color on these walls.” Lana comes up beside me reaching to take the painting down while I am still devouring this work of art. I can’t believe something this deep came out of this thin, crazy outgoing girl next to me.

I put my hands on her to stop her, “I like this here. I don’t want to take it down,” I promise. I don’t feel like going into detail about how much I love it. Perhaps when we get to know each other better. She pulls me along to the kitchen, showing me all the appliances and where everything is. It’s not as though I can see it with my own eyes.

She turns and shrugs, “So, that’s basically it. I know you probably want to unpack and get yourself situated. I was thinking we could order in tonight and hangout in the living room. You know, to get to know each other if you want? It’ll be my treat!” she exclaims. I would rather be alone, it's been a long day and I reallydon't care to tell my life story to a stranger, but she won't be a stranger long. We’ll be living together for the foreseeable future. I think she can tell I’m pondering a response because she’s quick to start talking again., “It will be fun. Please,” she pleads.

“Sure,” I reply faking a smile just as she claps her hands together smiling like I just brought her a new puppy.