Page 63 of The Starry Knight

“Good. Wishing we didn’t have a funeral to attend but I believe it turned out nicely.” Miles responds.

“Yeah, I’m so sad for Thomas. He always spoke so fondly of Marie. I wish I would have had the chance to meet her.” Lizzie supplies. “How are you doing, Stormy?” Lizzie inquires.

“I’m alright. Thank you for taking me out the other day. Sorry things got a bit hectic at the end.”Stormy apologizes. I squeeze her hand letting her know that I’m here for her.

“There is no need for that, Stormy. It was a bitch move from your roommate.” Lizzie responds.

“Where is mother?” I ask Miles as Lizzie and Stormy continue talking.

“She was running late the last time I heard from her. She was stuck in traffic.” He supplies.

“Ah, there she is now.” I say when I see her heading this way. She stops by Thomas and speaks to him first then comes toward us. Here we go.

“Mother, how are you?” I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m well, darling. Now let me meet this woman of yours.” She replies.

“Mother, this is Stormy Brooks. Stormy, this is my mother, Amelia Knight.” Mother pulls her in a tight embrace, which Stormy returns.

“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am.” Stormy responds.

“Oh, please call me Amelia, dear. It’s nice to finally put a face to a name. I hear you are the special one to finally tame my youngest.” She chuckles to herself

“I suppose I am. I think we both have done some taming, to be honest.” Stormy recalls.

“Oh, I like her, Sebastian.” She says to me. “You give me a call if he gives you any trouble. Us girls have to stick together.” Mother says to Stormy.

“I will do just that, Amelia.” Stormy smiles at me and winks. I roll my eyes and take her by the waist pressing a soft kiss to her head. The smell of her shampoo filters through my senses and I want to take her home this instant. Unfortunately, the officiant comes forward and asks everyone to take a seat.

“Thank you all for coming here today as we celebrate the life of Marie Anderson. She was a cherished friend to many and a truly loving wife to Thomas. She spent sixty-four wonderful years upon this Earth, and she will be missed every day.” The officiant takes a moment to look at Thomas and he nods. “Thomas would like to come up here and say a few words.” He steps down from the podium and Thomas steps up.

“Thank you, David. I have been wracking my brain for several days trying to come up with the perfect eulogy for my beloved wife. I got angry and frustrated that everything I was writing didn’t do justice to my amazing wife. But you see, there is no such thing as the perfect eulogy. Anything I say, she will hear and be smiling down from above. So here it is.” Thomas takes a deep breath and begins again, “To my beautiful, loving wife,

You were my best friend and my partner in life. We shared everything – our hopes, our dreams, our lives.My life's greatest years were spent with you, Marie, the love of my life. You loved everything about life, even the downsides – you embraced it all. Life was hard, but it was also worth it for you. From the moment I met you, I knew my life would be different and that I'd found ‘the one’.

I’d never believed in finding ‘the one’. But boy was I wrong. My world was turned upside down the moment I met you forty-three years ago. You came into my life like a crashing wave and took me out to sea. We were never separated again. I loved you with more love than I ever knew possible. You were my soulmate and I feel like you took a piece of me with you to heaven.At least you will always have that piece of me until we meet again, my queen.

Rest in peace my beautiful angel, your pain is now gone. My heart will be yours always and forever. And to you all here today, make sure you find that special someone and never let them go. Life is too short to not be with the one you love.” As Thomas steps down,Past Livesby DJ Agos begins to play.

“Past lives couldn't ever hold me down

Lost love is sweeter when it's finally found

I've got the strangest feeling

This isn't our first time around

Past lives couldn't ever come between us

Sometime the dreamers finally wake up

Don't wake me I'm not dreaming

Don't wake me I'm not dreaming”

The congregation rises and some begin placing flowers next to Marie’s grave. Lilies in every shape and color decorate her burial place. Thomas dabs his eyes as people wait to speak with him. I don’t want to ever have to go through what he is going through right now. But I suppose it’s better to have loved then not at all.

“That was beautiful.” Stormy murmurs as a tear slides down her cheek. “I could feel his love pouring out of him.” I offer her my handkerchief as more tears begin to flow down her cheeks. She dabs her cheeks and wipes under her eyes. “Is my makeup okay? Or do I look like a sad racoon?” She sadly jokes.