Page 61 of The Starry Knight

We arrive at Broken Halo Tattoo shop a little before eight. Walking in, I already know I’m going to like this place. The atmosphere is fun and inviting. Everything is neat and clean, and I don’t feel like I’m going to get hepatitis from just walking in. A tall muscular man with steel grey eyes comes up to us and slaps Sebastian on the back.

“What’s up my man. Long time no see,” he remarks.

“Yeah, I’ve been way too busy. This is Stormy. Storm, this is Zane. Today is her birthday and she wanted to get more ink done,” he holds out his for me to take.

“Nice to meet you, Zane,” I say.

“You too, darlin’ and happy birthday. Any ideas what you want done?” he asks.

“Actually yes. I want a dandelion blowing in the wind going up my forearm and up to my shoulder. Then I want seeds that fly off to become dragons flying away. I want one or two small dragons to be flying up the side of my neck. Then in a script I want the words, This too shall pass. I drew it up if you want to take a look.” I grab the paper from my purse. Unfolding it, I hand it to Zane.

“This is gorgeous. You drew this yourself?” I nod my head as I rock back and forth on my feet. I always get nervous when people look at my work.

“Damn, I might have to make you a job offer,” hehalfway jokes.

“I might take you up on that. My boss now is a real asshole.” I look at Sebastian and laugh. He pinches my side and I squeal in surprise.

“Very funny. Your boss is the best you’re going to get, sweetheart,” he says with a wink.

“Alright you two, enough of that before I puke. Let me go back and draw this up for you. I will be back,” Zane says as he takes his leave and heads for the back of the shop.

Sebastian and I take our seats on the couch in the front of the store. It doesn’t take long for Zane to come back with my tattoo drawing, and it is everything I was hoping it would be and more.

“How is this?” he asks.

“I love it. It’s exactly how I imagined it,” I gush.

“Good. Let me get you to fill out some paperwork while I go get my station ready for you.” He hands me a clipboard and takes my license to make a copy. Once he comes back, I’m nearly done with the papers. He walks us back to his station and begins prepping everything. I take off my long sleeve shirt, leaving on the tank top I have underneath.

Sebastian lets out a low growl only I can hear, and I smile at him. Before long, I’m in the hot seat getting another tattoo. I love the feel on my skin. The pain helps numb the negative thoughts roaming through my mind.

Two hours pass and Zane finally announces that he’s finished. He wipes me clean and takes me to the mirror to admire his work.

“It’s absolutely amazing. I love it so much. Thank you, Zane,” I say as I turn from side to side examiningthe new ink.

“I’m glad. This was a unique piece, and it was a pleasure to work on it for you,” he states. He puts Saniderm on my arm and shoulder to keep it clean and dry. Then we head to the front to pay. Sebastian pulls out his card before I have the chance.

“Happy birthday, baby,” he says as he hands his card over.

“You have already gotten me too much,” I whine. “But thank you. I love it. I want to come back when you get one.” I say to Sebastian.

“You will.” He states matter-of-factly. “How about let’s get home. I think you need some more TLC,” he says with a wink.

We leave the tattoo shop and head back to his apartment, or home I should call it. I never knew a simple word could have such a strong effect on me and yet here we are going home, and I want to cry. The apartment isn’t my home, Sebastian is.

Chapter 31


Stormy and I spent the rest of the weekend tangled in each other’s arms. We cooked and talked and spent more time getting to know one another. I have to say that I fall more and more in love with her by the second. Every time I think I can’t love her anymore; she opens her mouth or does something that proves me wrong.

It’s Monday morning and we are up getting ready for Marie’s funeral. Stormy has been tense leading up to this day, so I woke her the best way I knew how, with orgasms.

“Does this look okay?” She asks as she steps out of the closet in one of her new dresses. It’s a long sleeve black lace dress that falls just above her knees. She’s wearing a new pair of black high heels with red soles that were ruined the day we were stuck in the rainstorm.

I walk over to her and bend down, catching her lips in mine. “You look ravishing. I can’t wait to take this off of you later,” I whisper in her ear.

“Stop that! We are going to be late!” She squeals as she ducks away from me laughing. “You need to finish getting dressed, Sebastian.” Stormy checks her watch and takes a deep breath. I know things are going to be hard for her today.