Page 57 of The Starry Knight

Once we have tried on everything, Lizzie gathers everything up and tells Vivian that they are the items we decided on. I chose not to argue with her. She is just the messenger after all. I will pay Sebastian back later.

We check out and we are out the door. Nicolas is waiting for us to take our bags. Then we are on to the next store. More shopping and more clothes and more and more money we spend until I start to feel guilty. Nicolas is always on the curb waiting for us to take our bags when we finish in a store. Lizzie must text him when we are checking out or something.

We walk down the sidewalk, and the temperature seems to be dropping so I pull my jacket together tighter. We walk up to the shoe store that I was talking about, and I stop Lizzie from going in.

“Hey this is the store I was telling you about. Maybe we can go down to the next shoe store we see.” I tell her.

“This is where they were mean to you?” She questions.

“Yeah, they lady was a real bitch.” I reply.

“Oh, we are definitely going in then. Come on.” She takes my hand and I reluctantly follow behind her. Sure, enough when we get in there, I see the woman in question, and she sees me. Unsure how she is going to handle this, I urge Lizzie to go somewhere else, but she stands firm.

“She isn’t going to walk all over you. Is that her? The one eying you?” She asks. I nod my head and look away. Another salesperson walks up to us at that exactmoment.

“What can I help you ladies with?” He asks.

“We need lots of shoes and my friend here was telling me that she had a bad experience in here before. She didn’t even want to come in.” Lizzie explains.

“Well, I’m the manager and I’ll personally take care of you girls today.” Lizzie smiles at the woman across the store and then follows the man to the shoe section. We both pick out Louboutins and I get a new pair that I will make sure I don’t ruin on the first day of wearing them.

“I’m getting kind of hungry. How about you?” Lizzie asks me.

“I could go for some food.” I say.

We check out, spending an exorbitant amount. The saleswoman helps gather our bags and hands them to me and I give her smile. Nicolas is there waiting for us when we come out but instead this time we get into the car so he can drive us to a place to eat.

“That was fun. You got so many beautiful things.” Lizzie says to me.

“It was fun. Thank you for getting me out of that apartment. It’s been hard with everything going on in the media. I’m thankful that no one recognized me today.” I confess. Once we get to the restaurant, Nicolas lets us out and says to let him know when we are ready.

“You know, I could really use a trip to the salon to fix my roots, if you know of a good place that might have an opening today.” I express.

“I know the perfect place. I can call them when we get inside.” Lizzie suggests.

“Yeah, that would be great. Thanks.” I tell her.

We get into the restaurant, order, and eat ratherquickly in order to make the appointment that Lizzie made for me. Of course, Nikolas is there waiting for us when we emerge from the restaurant.

“Can you take us to Stylez, in downtown Manhattan? It’ll be our last stop before we take Stormy back to Sebastian’s.” Lizzie tells him as we get into the car.

“Phew, I’m exhausted. When you shop, you mean business.” I chuckle.

“That’s the only way to do it. Then you don’t have to do it as often. I don’t particularly love it unless I have someone to go with. My best friend Sarah has been busy with her new boyfriend, so I haven’t seen her in a while. I was excited to come out with you.” She remarks.

Once we arrive at the salon, I tell them that I need my roots touched up and a small haircut adding some layers in with it. It only takes a few hours, and we are back out in the cool New York air. I feel like a new woman. With new clothes and hair, I feel like I can tackle anything. That is until I see a magazine that has my face on it. I walk over to the street seller, picking up the magazine and reading something I have only told three people. I told Sebastian, my therapist, and Lana. She sold me out for a quick buck! Lana told the story about my experience watching my husband die on the kitchen floor that day. Her face is on the magazine as well with a microphone to her mouth. Why did she do this?

Lizzie must see the tears welling in my eyes because she buys the magazine and ushers me to the car. Once we get in, I let the tears flow not caring who sees. I reread the headline over and over.

Stormy Jacks POV of the NightBlaine Jacks Died: Insider Scoop

My phone chimes in my pocket. I pull it out seeing the last name I want to.

Picasso:We need to talk.

I stare at the simple four words but all I can think about is throwing my phone into traffic and letting her get the picture that way. I decide to write back. With blurry eyes I type.

Stormy:Why did you do it?