Page 50 of The Starry Knight

“Fuck, Daddy. That feels so good. Fuuuck!” I shout, knowing that if he has neighbors then I’m sure they can hear me. Then I think that they are probably used to the sounds coming from this apartment. Thethought sours my stomach and cuts my orgasm short. I go to get off of him, but he grabs ahold of my hips.

“What the hell just happened?” he questions, his eyes boring into mine.

“I’m sorry.” I break free of his hold and crawl over to my side of the bed, wrapping myself in blankets and pulling my legs up to my chest. I ruined our night together. He’s going to throw me out now. He’s going to see how insecure I am, even though I can stand up for myself, it’s mostly a front. I still don’t think I’m good enough for a man like Sebastian.

He comes over to where I am and rolls me over as the tears stream down my face.

“Hey, what’s going on in that head of yours?” he asks softly. I shake my head and try to turn away from him, but he isn’t having it. “Stormy, I said what’s going on. I felt you tense up, so I know something is bothering you,” he says with a little more force.

“I’m sorry. I got so loud, and I was thinking that other people in the building might hear me and then my thoughts jumped to them probably being used to hearing it because of how many girls you probably bring here. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin everything. If you want to take me home then I understand.” I put my hands over my face, trying to hold the tears in.

“Why do you think I bring a lot of women here? Have I given you that impression?” I shake my head.

“It’s just that Lana sent me this news article about you a while back naming you the Most Eligible Playboy Bachelor in New York. And I guess deep down I don’t know what you see of me, and I fear you’ll grow tired of the excitement that I bring to your life. I know I don’t look like those other women,” I confess. Sebastianremoves my hands from my face and kisses them before he speaks.

“Listen to me, okay. I know you have had a rough go at life, but I want you to know that I want you with every fiber of my being. You have lit a spark inside me that I didn’t know I needed. You, Stormy Brooks, are the only woman I have ever been in love with. As far as the other women, you are the only one that I have ever brought here. I never wanted to sully my home with trash women. You’re different. I can’t imagine this apartment without you now that you’ve been in it,” he takes a breath and kisses the tears from my cheeks, “Those other women are blank canvases hanging on a wall and I’m walking towards the only painting in the room with true colors on it. You, Stormy, are my true love. Your colors light up my life. I haven’t been the same since I met you and I don’t want it any other way. Your crazy zest at life and penchant for finding trouble is where I want to be. Beside you, always.” I look up at his smiling face and I think I fall even harder for this man.

“I’m sorry I judged you for something I read on the internet. You didn’t judge me when everything came out about me. I feel so foolish. Please forgive me.”

“It’s already forgotten. Now, come here.” He lays on the bed and gestured to the middle of the bed where I am supposed to be. I slide over to where he is, and he pulls me into his arms. I wrap my arm around him and squeeze him tight, but he lets out a small grunt of pain. I pull back and can see the pain in his eyes.

“Take off your shirt, let me see your ribs,” I tell him.

“I’m fine. They’re just a little sensitive,” heexplains.

“Sebastian! Let me see.” I pull his shirt up enough that I can see the purple bruising already forming on his side.

“You probably have a broken rib! We need to get you to the hospital.” I jump up and try to get off the bed, but I’m hoisted back by huge arms.

“Oh, no you don’t. We aren’t going anywhere tonight. If it’s still bad tomorrow then I may call Dr. Peterson. He can stop by when he gets a free minute tomorrow.”

“But I feel bad. This happened because of me. How can you be okay with this. What if this happens again and you get hurt worse?” I question.

“Angel, look at me. I’m fine. There isn’t anything to worry about and I would do the same thing all over again. I wasn’t going to let those men touch you,” he says firmly.

“Now, tell me about these Harry Potter tattoos. I know they mean something to you, because you have a matching pendant around your neck of the Patronus.” Am I a little stunned that Sebastian Knight knew these were Harry Potter tattoos, not so much. Am I stunned that he knows what a Patronus is, definitely.

“I can’t believe you know what that is. But, yes, they do mean a great deal to me.” I lie back on the bed and cuddle up next to him, being wary of his ribs. “When I was young, Harry Potter was the first series I read. They transported me to Hogwarts. I was able to escape the world around me whenever I cracked open a book. They are magical in a way most people don’t know. I read and reread the books over and over throughout the years, each time they wove themselvesdeeper into my soul. When I turned eighteen, I knew I wanted to represent that home I always escaped to. So, this is a collection of the most meaningful things in Harry Potter. Fawkes, the phoenix, was reborn from his ashes. I always like the thought that we can be reborn from our worst experiences. I got it after Blaine’s death,” I explain.

Sebastian takes my arm in his hands and kisses from my wrist to my shoulder. “I love this ink on you. Knowing the story makes its all the more special.”

“What all do yours represent? I know that’s a family crest over your heart and I’m guessing your father’s name underneath?” I ask.

“Yes, I got it done after he passed away a couple of years ago. He was a great man and is truly missed,” he says.

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you, Angel.”

“What about the rest of your tattoos?”

“The dragon on my back represents all the anger I used to have as a teen and into my early twenties. I used to get in fights all the time. It also represents courage, protection, strength, and power. It took several sessions to complete. Then, I got this Celtic symbol that represents brotherhood. Miles has the same one. The blue in it is his birthstone for December and the yellow is my birth stone for November.”

“I like them. I love the dragon. It makes me want another tattoo. They’re addicting. So, since your birthday is in November it’s coming up then.”

“It’s November first. When is your birthday?”

“Um,” I look at my watch that says it’s past midnight, “It’s today actually,” I state matter-of-factly.Sebastian leans up on his elbow and looks down at me. I can’t decipher the look he’s giving me.