I give the driver our apartment's address, and then turn to make sure Sarah is all right, lying on the seat next to me. Leaning over, I brush the hair out of her face and pull her coat up over her more to keep her warm. When I sit back up, I take in the fancy interior of this car. What type of marketing does Miles do for a living to be able to afford the luxury of a chauffeur? I knew the club was exclusive, but I guess I hadn't thought that Miles was one of those people. I figured he scored tickets like we had. But as I look around, I'm pretty sure Miles is one of the high-end customers the club was targeting. I wish Sarah was awake to see where we are right now. She would flip out.
I lean my head back as my mind begins to replay the events of the evening. Never in a million years did I think I would run into the man from the coffee shop.I knew his name wasn’t Austen, I think to myself. The brief interaction in the coffee shop did not do his looks justice; he is simply gorgeous… like Superman status. I could look into his beautiful blue eyes for hours while drooling all over myself. His long black eyelashes accentuate his eyes perfectly. His rugged black hair, that he runs his hand through when he is thinking about something, is so sexy. I chuckle to myself. He is so far out of my league; we aren't even in the same universe. Not that he was interested in me. He was just being polite, I'm sure. Especially with him insisting that we use his car to take us home. He was just being chivalrous. Obviously, chivalry isn't dead, as I previously thought. Or maybe Miles is just the exception to the rule. At first, I bet he thought we were invited for our social status as well, which can't be further from the truth. I might as well be Cinderella to his Prince Charming self. I sigh as I run my hands over my face. Why am I even entertaining these thoughts? I don't want a man. I'm not looking for anyone. I'm on a break from men, at the moment. It's my newest mantra and I will stick to it.
I roll my head to the side and look through the window at the sights passing. Miles has great hair. I want to run my hands through it again, like when we were dancing. While we were on the dance floor, I could feel his body's warmth against me, and I wanted to get closer to bask in it. He smelled like sandalwood and spice and whiskey. A dangerous combination in my book. Those smells hit me to my very core. I couldn’t help but to be entranced by him. The way he came over and introduced himself tonight, using a quote from Jane Austen, it's like something out of a romance novel. I still can't believe I was the one on the receiving end of that line. I mean, obviously, it was a pickup line. Right? I feel chill bumps creep over my skin when I remember turning around and seeing him standing there beside me. Something came over me; it was like we were the only people in the room tonight, that is, until Sarah stumbled our way.
I look over at her in the car, and she is resting against the opposite window. As the limo comes to a stop, the driver lets us know that we have arrived. I shake the thoughts from my head and focus on how the hell I’m supposed to get Sarah up to our apartment. Thomas comes around to open the door for us, and he insists on helping me get Sarah to our apartment, which is a miracle because I don’t think I would have been able to do it alone. We probably wouldn’t have made it past the first set of stairs.
“Thank you so much for the ride home and helping me get her inside. You have been a life saver, Thomas.” I wish there was something I could do for him in return. Should I tip him? I don't even know what to do in this situation. Is it like a bellhop helping me bring up my luggage? I mean, Sarah was like a dead weight, so she kind of was my luggage. I smile, thinking of the look on her face if she knew I was thinking of her as a piece of luggage to be toted around.
“Not a problem, ma’am. I’m happy I could help. You have a good night, dear,” he replies.
As he turns to go back to the car, I ask, “How long have you worked for Miles?”
He turns back around and says, “I’ve worked for him for three years, but I have been with their family for twenty years.” He must sense that I want to know more, so he adds, “He is a great person, and he has a heart of gold.” With that, he turns on his heels and heads toward the car.
I turn back to Sarah on the couch and help get her to bed. After getting her tucked in, I put a glass of water and Tylenol on her nightstand and a trashcan close to her bed. Hopefully, she won't get sick, but I would rather be safe than have to help in that cleanup. I cringe at the thought. I quietly slip out of her room and go to my own. As I pull on my pajamas, I sit on my bed finally alone with my thoughts.
Although Miles is handsome and charming, I need to stand by my previous promise to stay away from men. I don’t have time for that type of distraction in my life right now; I also don’t have the time to nurse a new broken heart, which would only be inevitable. If my parents’ divorce taught me anything, it’s that even after twenty-eight years together, you can still end up with a broken heart.
Even with that resolve in my mind, it doesn’t stop me from recounting tonight. Miles seemed so different from othermen. He looked at me like I was the only one he was seeing in the whole club. It doesn’t make sense. He is obviously wealthy, and I told him that I work two jobs. Someone like him would never have something to do with someone like me. Unbelievingly, he still seemed interested in me after that confession. However, obviously, we are from different classes. I mean he has his own driver, for Pete’s sake! But I still can’t help but to fantasize what it would be like to be with a man like that. Not the wealth part, which doesn’t interest me. It’s his confidence and intelligence that call to me, not to mention his dangerously handsome looks. He was so attentive, but is that because he only had one thing on his mind, which would be closing the deal at the end of the night? He said himself that’s not what he was after, but don’t all men say something like that to get the girl?
Even asking myself that question, I have the urge to put that thought away, because he didn’t seem at all displeased that I had to cut the night short when I told him that I needed to get Sarah home. Although, he didn’t leave when we did, so maybe he went back into the club and found another woman that he could take home for the night. Still, I can’t help but smile that he offered us his personal car and driver to get us home. Who does that? It was a very kind and thoughtful gesture, and he seemed sincere about it. Maybe I am thinking about this too much. It’s not like he’ll be calling me. I did give him my number, but I’m not expecting anything. I hope he doesn’t call because I’m not looking for a man.Keep telling yourself that, Lizzie.Even if he happens to look like a Greek god, he did seem genuinely interested in me and thought that it was fate that we ended up at the same place twice in one day. I do agree that it’s strange how that happened, but I don’t believe in that type of thing, do I? I mean, that’s fairytale talk, and it can’t be real. There is no such thing as love at first sight and soulmates.Right?But I still feel this connection with him that I can’t deny.Why can’t I deny it? I NEED to deny it.Buteven though I don’t know tons about him, there was like a tiny thread drawing me to him, pulling us closer together. I have never felt like that in my life. When he whispered in my ear, my whole body reacted with goosebumps. I shiver just thinking about his warm breath on my neck.Okay, calm down, Lizzie. Nothing is going to come of this. It was just a cool night to tell Sarah about later.I must protect myself. I have a feeling that his fire will burn me, and I won't go hopping down that rabbit hole. I take a few deep breaths to try and put the thoughts of all things Miles out of my head.
?I stand up and walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water and return to my bed. I get under the covers and turn on my side, placing a pillow under my arm to snuggle with. The last thing I see as I drift off to sleep is my first edition ofSense and Sensibilitythat sits on my nightstand. I smile to myself, and within minutes, I’m fast asleep.
Bang. Bang. Bang. What is that sound? Bang. Bang. Bang. I hear knocking. Is that on our door? Am I still dreaming? Ugh, what time is it? I peek open my eyes and see the sunlight streaming through my golden black-out curtains that I forgot to close last night before I fell asleep. I roll over to grab my phone and see that it’s eight in the morning. Who would be here this early?
“Sarah, did you order something?” I call out. No answer comes. I’m sure she’s still passed out from last night. I shuffle out of bed and pull on my robe and slippers and head to the door. I check the peephole and see... Miles’ driver? Thomas, I think? What is going on? I open the door and he’s got a huge grin on his face. Just then, I notice the flowers in his hand. It’s the largest bouquet I’ve ever seen. Beautiful white lilies are perfectly placed in this intricate crystal vase.
“Good morning, Miss Elizabeth. These are for you,” hesays, offering me the flowers.
I take the vase in my hands, looking down at them in disbelief. “Oh, um... are you sure these are for me?” I ask, confused, with a blush that I know he can see. He just chuckles and motions to the card inside the bouquet. I look down and see my name handwritten on the paper. When I look back up, I see Thomas has already started to walk toward the stairs. “Thank you,” I manage to croak out because I’m too stunned to say anything else.
I walk back into the apartment, closing the door behind me. I place the flowers on the kitchen counter and stare at them for a moment. I'm a bit speechless and still half asleep to really register what is going on right now. I don’t even know if someone has ever sent me flowers, except when I was in the hospital when I was younger. And that was from family members. These are from Miles? Maybe his driver drove another woman home, and these were meant for her? Or a girlfriend and he got confused? But then I remember the card that has my name on it, and I snatch it up right away because I need to know what is going on. The front of the card has, ‘Lizzie’ scrolled on the envelope in a man’s perfect handwriting. I can feel my cheeks flush, and my body starts coursing with nerves. Geez, this man can do this to me just by seeing my handwritten name! I’ve got a genuine problem. I can’t believe this is real. I open the envelope and turn the card over.
Thank you for your companylast night.
“To be fond of dancing was a
certain step toward falling in love.”
-J. Austen
Have dinner with me. Pick you up at eight.
I read and reread the card over and over with a smile plastered on my face. Wow, this man has some serious charming skills. This is the second time he’s recited Jane Austen to me. It is like he knows what my soul yearns to hear and is speaking straight to it. Am I living in a Hallmark movie right now? I mean, this can't be my life. No man has ever taken the time to use one of my passions to flirt with me or ask me out. I stare at the lilies; they are so beautiful and unique. He didn’t send roses, almost like he knew that I didn’t like them, which is silly. We barely know anything about each other. But there is still this weird feeling like I already know him. Is he really unlike any of the other men I have dated? He seems different. Is this crazy? Yes, it’s crazy. I have only known this man for a day. That is all. And here I am holding a card from him staring at beautiful flowers. Am I going to go on this date? I don’t have his number; he only has mine. There is no way for me to decline his offer. Did he know I wouldn’t be able to say no? I chuckle to myself. “Oh, Miles, what am I going to do with you?” I whisper.Maybe it’s not a date and just two people having dinner like friends, but as soon as I utter the words to myself, I know it might not be true. This is indeed a date. My heart begins to race in my chest, and my palms become sweaty because this scares me. It scares me because he has already gotten under my skin in a way that no man has before. I can’t get hurt again; I won’t survive it. I must keep my heart guarded at all costs, but I can’t help admitting that he may have chinked a small piece of my armor off in the past twenty-four hours. I take a deep breath and read the card again. He will be here at eight tonight, and I will have to be ready. I never thought I would say this again, especially this soon, but I’m going on adate tonight. The thought both terrifies and excites me.
As I place the card on the counter, I get a great idea for my book in progress. I run to my room, grabbing my laptop and flopping on my bed. I spend the rest of the day with words flowing out of my mind and through my fingers. The motivation is back. My fingers momentarily pause above the keyboard. Is this because of Miles, I wonder? Whatever the reason, I am going to take advantage of it. So, I dive back into my writing as the day drifts away.
Chapter 6
It's early Saturday morning, and I have already worked out and showered. I usually try and sleep in a bit on the weekends, but it eluded me last night. I called Thomas to take me to the florist down the street, so I could pick something out for Elizabeth. I didn’t want to call and just have something put together. I wanted to do it myself, and I also wanted the card handwritten. I had an idea while I was in the shower for the perfect thing to write on the card. Another Jane Austen quote came to mind, and I couldn’t help but smile. This woman is something special, and I want to treat her as such. I’ve never done anything like this before. I haven’t ever wanted to be romantic and thoughtful, but it almost seems natural to do it for her. I have never put this much effort into charming a woman, but I find myself wanting to go the extra mile for her. I want to see her smile and make her happy. I want to spend more time with her. Elizabeth did tell me she hasn’t had the best relationships in the past, and it makes me angry that someone could do whatever they did to her. I already feel protective over her. I don’t even want to think of those past assholes; they had their chance. I’m damn excited that they screwed up, just not at the cost of her feelings. But I will get her to trust me and see I’m nothing like anyone she has ever been with.