Page 46 of Inked Hearts

It’s quiet for a moment and I have to look at my screen to see if she hung up on me, but then her voice comes out soft and almost timid, “Oh, Mr. Wolfe, I apologize but Mr. Daniel’s is out of town.”

“Where?” I nearly growl. That motherfucker left town when we needed him? What could possibly be so important? Where the fuck did he go that has him unable to answer his phone?

Yes, I know my frustration isn't really towards him. It isn’t his fault that Dakota is gone. That’s on me. But I feel lost and I need Spencer to step in and help. I need him to take charge. Because my heart and my head are elsewhere - stuck between a woman I want a future with and her son who is struggling. I don’t know if I can properly do this job anymore. Actually, I know that I can’t be relied on to function at one hundred percent.

So yeah…I’m frustrated and I fucking need Spencer.

“You know I can’t disclose that information,” she replies in a terse tone, clearly irritated with the attitude I displayed.

“It’s a 911 situation,” I reply quickly, hoping she understands the severity of what is happening. Lacey is a no bullshit kind of woman. She’s always been that way.

She hums low in her throat and clicks her tongue, “I can’t tell youwherehe went because I don’t know. He sent me a text last night saying he needed to be somewhere for a family emergency and that he would be unreachable for several days.”

“Okay, thank you Lacey. Please let him know we are trying to reach him if you do get ahold of him,” I exhale out before hanging up.

Last night.

He sent that text message before we knew she was gone. He went away onfamily emergencybefore anyone from HQ hadbeen notified. Which means…Spencer already knew. Someone else reached out and told him. Hehadto know. That’s the only logical reason that he would have left HQ during the exact time when Dakota went missing.

My eyes crash closed and real unbridled fear races through me. I glance over my shoulder to see Aiden still sitting quietly, moving his food around the plate without taking a single bite. If my assumption is correct…Aiden could lose both his mom and his uncle. Because the only conclusion that I can come to forhowhe knew she was gone is that Rodrigo reached out to him.

And knowing Spencer he would have taken off like a bat out of hell to get to her. He would have tried to trade himself or fight his way to her. He would have been so fucking dumb to do it but…I get it. Hell, if I knew where she was right this second I would go in guns blazing. I wouldn’t come up with a plan or try to figure anything out. I would just…run to her.

Like I said earlier, objectivity went out the fucking window. Her and Aiden are all I can think about and now…now I don't know what to do. I need to find Spencer and Dakota. I need to do that without letting the little boy in the kitchen lose his fucking mind. There just isn’t another option.

“Wolf,” Aiden croaks my name and when I glance up, I see tears streaking down his face.


I charge towards him and he falls into my arms, sobbing quietly. I feel Maddox and Seb approach, both of them grabbing a part of Aiden and squeezing in reassurance. The kid is breaking right in front of us and we aren’t equipped to fix it. In all honesty, we failed him. His mom isn’t here and it was our fucking job to keep her safe.

“Is-is she de-dead?” He mumbles against my chest, still letting his tears flow freely.

“No,” Seb says immediately, his tone brokering no discussion or argument.

“We are going to find her, big man,” Maddox murmurs, stepping back and taking his phone out, “I’m going to start making more calls. You guys come grab me if you need anything.”

I nod, refusing to let go of Aiden. Seb steps back too and studies me. I don't even attempt to hide the absolute devastation I am feeling. It’s like he can read every single thought and feeling right there on my face. And for the first time in a long fucking time I have no desire to hide it. I don't want to put on an emotionless mask or act like I am stronger than this situation. I want to grieve and worry and take care of Aiden. I want to do that while they find my girl so I can bring her home.

I don't want to regret the fact that I never got to tell her how I feel. I don't want my final memory of her to be her sleeping in her son's bed while I watched on from the doorway. I want more smiles and laughter, more quiet afternoons in her office. I want breakfast dates and five mile runs. I want to love her and be loved by her.

“We’re going to find her, Aiden,” I say vehemently. I have no fucking right to make that promise but I think maybe I need to hear it said out loud too. I need to remain strong and force myself to believe that she is going to come home.

“Yeah,” Aiden croaks, his voice cracking, “We have to.”

I hold Aiden to me for a few more moments before backing away and forcing a small smile to my face. He doesn't return it and I don't blame him.

“You wanna go cuddle up in your moms bed while I search for some clues?” I ask him, hoping the idea of being curled up in the bed that smells like her will help him. Lord knows I have wanted to wrap myself in her blankets all fucking day.

He nods and we head down the hallway and up the stairs. The entire time it feels like Aiden is dragging his feet…like he barely has the energy to function.

I know I shouldn’t have promised to find her. But I did make that promise and I will fucking find her. I refuse to let that piece of shit take anything more from them. I’ll light the goddamn world on fire if it means getting Dakota back to Aiden’s side. I would happily trade my own life for hers.

As soon as we enter her room, he is diving beneath the covers and letting out little sobs. My heart clenches in my chest and I wish…fuck, I wish I could fix his pain. I wish I could take it all and absorb it. It’s fucking infuriating that this shit is happening and I can’t do anything about it.

I head into the bathroom and start pulling drawers open, hoping that there is some off chance that she left a note or a clue…some way for us to track them and find her. Some indication ofhowI can get to her. Anything…I would take any tiny little clue.

My phone buzzes and I pull it out to see my group chat with Madd and Seb.