Page 6 of Inked Hearts

Jesus. Madd and Seb are the only ones that knowwhyI don’t fucking date. They have seen me at my lowest and stood right beside me. Even when I couldn’t stand myself, they didn’t hesitate to love me. Yeah, in case anyone was wondering, I’m the pathetic piece of shit that had his heart broken and now he can't stand the thought of a real relationship.

I pull out my phone and shoot a message to our group chat.

Wolf:You two fucking turds can come home now. She’s gone.

Seb:Jesus, two pump chump or what?

Madd:What did you expect? He hasn’t gotten laid in like twenty years.

Wolf:Fuck off, both of you. And stop talking to each other in the text when you’re literally with each other.

Wolf:Wait…Madd did you just make a joke?

Madd:Who said I was with Seb?

Madd:And no. It wasn’t a joke, Wolf. I was stating facts.

Seb:Yeah dickface, maybe I found my own wet warm hole for the night.

Wolf:Uh..did you?


Madd:We are almost home. We stopped for pizza.

Seb:And beer.

Wolf:Thank fuck.

I can’t help but smile at those two absolute psychos. They make life worth living. I didn’t think I would be happy out of the Marines. I had a purpose and a brotherhood that I thought I would lose when I went into the civilian world.

Luckily, our team is pretty well connected and we landed a solid job with the United States Marshal Service. We got even luckier when they realized that we work better together than separately so we only ever get assignments that need all three of us.

Our last assignment was way too easy. To be honest, it was downright boring. We babysat granny until her grandson's hearing. She was a trooper though, and testified against him even though she loved the guy to death. I’m honestly not even sure why we needed to protect her. The guy didn’t so much as frown at her the entire hearing and he even told her he loved her while being dragged off in handcuffs. She promptly died a week later and that’s why me and the guys are back in New York. I doubt we will be here for long before Spencer sends us out again, but hopefully this time it's not a boring as fuck job. Or maybe, we will actually get lucky and have a fucking break.

The front door unlocks and opens, the guys chuckling as they shoulder-check each other in the apartment with two boxes of pizza and a case of beer. Those two are complete opposites, but together their friendship makes sense.

Sebastian is 6’5, long-ish blond with blue eyes, and enough tattoos to rival my own. He looks like he walked right off of a pro football team, his frame is broader and more defined than both Madd and myself. He’s our golden retriever though, friendly and always smiling. That is until you piss him off and he beats you to death. But we don’t talk about that incident.

Maddox on the other hand is shorter than Seb and I at 6’2, with dark hair, eyes, and tanned skin - and honestly, he’s scary as fuck looking. He doesn’t have a whole shit ton of tattoos like we do, but he has his throat done with a creepy as shit butterfly skull thing. And the second we got discharged he was piercing his tongue, lip, and well…another part that I wasn’t present for.He’s quiet and brooding, but he’s the most loyal person I have ever met.

“So why’d your one-night stand only last thirty minutes in our apartment?” Seb asks with a shit-eating grin.

I roll my eyes and snag the case of beer from him, plopping the contents into the fridge before grabbing three for us, “Apparently you have to ask nicely before you come down a girl's throat.”

Sebastian bursts out laughing like he just heard the world's funniest joke and Madd even chuckles lightly as he grabs a beer from my hand. I scowl at the two traitors.

“I usually warn the girl,” Madd murmurs before plopping down on the couch and grabbing a game controller.

I scoff at him as I sit next to him, grabbing a slice of cheesy meaty goodness before replying, “Dude, you find your girls on that kinky as fuck app. They know beforehand what you’re into.”

Madd shrugs at me, “You could always make a profile.”

I shake my head while Seb snickers at me, “Nope. I think tonight was enough for a while.”

“Dude,” Seb groans, throwing his head back in exasperation, “You’re such a buzzkill. You just got sucked off and you’re already going celibate again. How am I supposed to live vicariously through you?”

I shoot him a glare before smirking, “You could always man up and go get laid yourself.”