Page 19 of Inked Hearts

“We created a daily schedule that Dakota typically sticks to. She likes things to be pretty routine, so if you guys can help her stick to that, it would help her out a lot,” Lucas begins, sliding a paper across the table. I glance down and read over it as he continues.

0400 - Wake up.

0500 - Morning run (typically 5-10 miles)

0630/0700 - Return and shower

0730 - Breakfast

0800 - Take Aiden to school

0845 - Dakota goes to her home office to work (do not enter her office uninvited)

1530 - Pick up Aiden

1600 - Make dinner and help Aiden with homework

2000 - Aiden gets ready for bed and plays video games

2100 - Dakota finishes any leftover work

2200 - Dakota goes to sleep

Monday- Dakota orders groceries for delivery or pickup

Wednesday - No run, Dakota does a home workout

Thursday - Conference call with HQ

Saturday - Dakota tries to get Aiden out of the house (hiking, site seeing)

“Dakota doesn't go out often unless she needs to. When she takes Aiden out on Saturdays, it's usually pre-scouted. If Aidenwants to do something normal like go to a movie then one of us usually would take him,” Lucas continues, his tone stern, “You aren't required to do that but it would be good for the kid.”

I see Sebastian shrug out of the corner of my eye, “I like going to movies. I’m not running five fucking miles though.”

Madd snorts at the same time that Dave grunts out, “I hated it. She basically sprints the entire time so be ready.”

“Wolf or I will go with her,” Madd murmurs, his eyes still studying the schedule.

Another paper is passed along and I glance down to see a report from two years ago. My eyes raise when I look over the details.

“I’m sorry…do you mean to tell me that Rodrigo has found her at every single location we have set her up in?” I ask incredulously, looking at the log of letters,gifts, and suspicious activity that has been detailed over the years.

Lucas nods his head stiffly, his mood exceptionally gruff, “Yes. Sometimes, we weren’t sure. The things that are left behind aren't always indicative of Rodrigo. Other teams have reported similar packages or incidents, but none of them were like this last time. This is the first instance where he has reached out to her directly.”

Sebastian scoffs and leans back in his chair, sneering at the list, “He has sent her fucking body parts. People’s fucking fingers. You don't think that is indicative? Why the fuck wasn't this in the file?”

Lucas grunts and looks at Dave, his expression grim, “It was an order. Spencer wanted to keep the number of people involved in her case at the lowest possible.”

I narrow my eyes at him, “So only the client, you two, her previous guards, and Spencer know?”

Again, Dave and Lucas exchange a glance. It’s getting really annoying to watch them silently communicate. I don't likesecrets, but I especially don't like them when I’m tasked with keeping someone alive.

“Spit it the fuck out,” I bark, my patience is running exceptionally thin.

“Dakota is unaware of the…packages.”

The silence is fucking deafening. I can tell that Sebastian is shocked by the way his entire body goes tense like a livewire. And this right here? This keeping secrets and hiding shit from the client? We don't fucking do this. And I don't mean our team specifically. I mean this organization doesn't keep things from the clients. It could cause them to feel a false sense of security or not bring up suspicious activity because they don't think they have a reason to worry.