Page 1 of Inked Hearts


06 August, 2012

Hey, whoever is reading this,

My teacher said that if I don’t write a letter then I will fail this class. So here I am, writing you a letter. I’m not sure why I have to do this. No one writes letters anymore. We have text messages and emails. Why couldn’t they just let us email each other?

Anyway, my name is Damian. I’m not gonna tell you my last name cause…there are weirdos out there ya know?

I play football for my junior high school. Coaches think that I have what it takes to make it onto Varsity as a freshman so that’s the goal. Well I guess the goal is to play professionally someday, but that’s a long way off. Do you play any sports?

I also spend a lot of time playing Call of Duty with my friends. And no, I’m not one ofthose weirdos who live streams. I just play with the boys for fun.

Um yeah. So I’m almost done with the page that is required. I figure you’ll probably write back since that’s the whole point of this assignment. Tell me something cool about you man.


I fold the letter back up and smile at it, placing it in my backpack. That first letter is one of my favorites to re-read. Three years ago, I received an annoyed letter from a sassy boy who hated the idea of doing a pen pal assignment. Today though? Damian happens to be the love of my life. My best friend and soulmate.

It’s silly, I know. Who can possibly be in love at fifteen? I’m sure people will make fun of me or stereotype it as a silly first love.

But what they don't know is that Damian is more than my boyfriend. He is my first real friend, my secret keeper, my supporter, my advocate, and my person. We didn’t automatically start this out thinking we would spend our lives together. I can definitely remember thinking that I would write him back and never get a response. It was just an assignment ya know?

But those letters turned into text messages and those turned into video games and phone calls. Three years of talking nonstop and never once losing that spark. We kept our pact, we never traded pictures or anything defining. Our love is solely built off of the idea that we know each other's souls.

Damn. That sounds a little too deep, even for me. I roll my eyes and walk into the front door of my house, listening for any sounds that would tell me that my dad is home.

Shocker, there isn't.

I climb the stairs at record speed, wanting to get to my room and write Damian a letter. I leave the day after tomorrow to go visit him. The only thing my dad seems to care about lately is me getting away from him so this works out. It's been planned for months and finally it's time.

18 November 2014


I know that I get to see you in two days and we will probably be on the phone talking in the next few minutes but I wanted to write you this and send it out before I come see you.

I was thinking about how you were nervous, that I might not like how you look in person. But guess what? I already know I will. I know that I will like your smile because your laugh makes my heart skip a beat. I know that I will like your hair, because you always complain that it's getting too long and falling into your eyes.

I think the truth is that you could literally be the hunchback and I would still love you. You’re my best friend. Can you honestly imagine me loving anyone but you?

I love you. I miss you.

I’ll see you soon,


I sent that letter out with a heart full of love and a mind full of hope. I never would have known what would happen next.


20 November, 2014

Little Sunshine,

Mom and I are about to leave for the airport to pick you up! But I wanted to leave a letter in the mail so that you can get home and know I was thinking of you. Seriously B, I get to see you in just one hour. How fucking insane is that?

I know that you’re excited and nervous…but just so you know, there’s nothing in this world that could make me change my mind about you. You could get off that place with a second head and I would just love you more.