Page 73 of Exception

Cade’s jaw hangs open. “Fuck, Cuz. You kind of sound like a dad right now.”

I shake my head vigorously back and forth. “I just made it to boyfriend. Don’t get ahead of me.”

A goofy grin spreads across his face. “Fair enough.” He sobers just as quickly. “You think it’s a crazy idea to have a kid?”

“Fuck yes,” I answer without hesitation. “But at one time I thought you were crazy for giving up all women for just one, and you were right about that so…”

“So, you’re saying I’m not out of my mind?”

“You definitely are. But you’ve got Cora, so it’ll work out.”

Cade gives my shoulder a firm shove and goes back to digging, chuckling softly as he shakes his head. I can’t help the smile that tugs at the corner of my lip, knowing we’re as solid as we ever were. I only hope Tiff can find this with her friends sooner rather than later.

Chapter 28


Idebatedquitting—walkingawaywithout a word—but in the end, I couldn’t do it. We’re heading into the busy season and leaving without notice would screw a lot of people who haven’t done anything to deserve that. Instead, I gave Lennon my two weeks, in a letter that she’s currently waving around like a madwoman.

“I don’t accept,” she barks. “You’re family, and family doesn’t just leave because they have a difference of opinion.”

“Family also supports each other unconditionally,” I retort, crossing my arms with a smug grin.

“Not when they’re worried for someone’s safety.”

“You really think Deacon would hurt me?” I narrow my eyes.

“Physically, no. Emotionally? He’s a cheesy pickup line away from bedding any woman that walks through the door.”

“Was,” I emphasize. “Hewasa cheesy pickup line away from doing that. Not anymore.”

“How can you be sure?”

“How could Sloane be so sure Carter wasn’t going to hold her job over their head when they hooked up?” I remind her of the conflict those two had when they first got together. “Or how could Becca be sure Blake and Jace loved her as much as they loved each other? Hell, how could you be sure Axel was worth finding balance between him and your career?” I point out what nearly derailed her own relationship. “It’s a leap of faith to start, and I have faith in Deacon.”

That seems to shut her up for a moment, and she has the decency to look almost ashamed.Almost.

“None of those guys were picking up random girls while they were supposed to be with us.”

“I explained that,” I say through clenched teeth.

“And you’re okay with that explanation? You didn’t mind being kept secret?”

“Of course, I did. But since it let us be together without having to have conversations like this day in and day out, I was willing to do it. At least for a little while.”

“You deserve better.” Lennon’s mouth slips into a flat line as shakes her head like she’s disappointed in me.

A few weeks ago, that would’ve crushed me, but today it just makes me bitter. “I know. That’s why I’m giving my two weeks.”

I spin around and barrel toward the door, thrusting it open only to have it snap back and crack me in the face.Not this again.My startled yelp of pain is drowned out by the deep timbre of the voice I can never get enough of.

“Fuck, Sweet Girl. Are you okay?” Large hands grip my shoulders, steadying me as I lift my free hand to probe the skin around my eyebrow.

“I think.”

Strong fingers move mine out of the way and take over the inspection. “You’re not bleeding, but chances are we’re gonna have matching black eyes.”

“Eew. I hate it when couples look alike.”