Page 7 of Exception

Aaannnd I’m hard again.Fuck.

“Where is this coming from? Why now?”

Tiff opens her mouth to answer just as a fist raps against the front door. “Tiff, it’s Cade. Open up.”

Her panicked stare meets mine for just a moment before it drifts to the tent in my pants. The denim keeps it from being overly noticeable, but Cade will spot it right away. “Stall,” I whisper as I rush to the bathroom.

“Tiff.” The fist pounds again as I shut myself behind the door, tugging my pants down as gingerly as I can around my straining boner.

There’s not enough time to rub one out, but I really do have to piss, so I’m hoping that will help get me back to normal. Unfortunately, my dick is standing at attention, and the toilet is in the opposite direction. Fisting my length in my hand, I try to maneuver my junk so it’s pointing down, but I’m too stiff to aim all the way south. Propping my left foot on the edge of the tub and bracing my right arm on the sink, I squat down so I’m basically hovering over the bowl and point my cock as low as it’ll go.Good thing I’m limber for my size.

Relief is instant, though not complete, as I empty my bladder enough that my dick isn’t straining for freedom behind my zipper. Then I take a fortifying breath and head out to the living room, where Cade is pacing back and forth.

He gives me a suspicious once-over as I approach, and the remaining evidence of my earlier predicament vanishes as I realize it’s only the two of us in the living room.

“Where’s Tiff?”

“Her bedroom.” He jerks his head in the direction of the same hallway I just came from. “Where were you?” He makes no attempt to hide his anger.

“The bathroom.”

“Why do you need to use her bathroom?”

“I assume she’d prefer I piss there instead of the sink.”

His brows draw together. “I mean why are you usingherbathroom?”

“Because I had to take a leak. What’s with the third degree?”

“Dammit Deacon, stop being an ass. There’s no reason for you to be here this early unless you stayed here. Tell me you didn’t?”

“Are you saying I should’ve left her alone after getting hit in the head?”

His frown falters as my words register. “Shit. I’m sorry.” He scrubs a hand over his face. “I heard someone in the bathroom and then she bolted to her room as soon as she let me in. My imagination took over.”

I’d expect nothing less, although hearing him admit it hurts. I can’t blame anyone but myself for that. Still, his protectiveness rubs me the wrong way. On her behalf.

“You know she’s a grown woman, right? She can have people sleep over if she wants to.” His eyes flare with anger, and I hold up my hands in surrender. “I slept on the couch, asshole. I’m just saying, you can’t stop her from being an adult.”

“I can stop her from making bad decisions.”

“Casual sex is a bad decision? I seem to remember you being an advocate before you met Cora.”

“That’s different.”

“Because you’re a guy?” I arch my brow, challenging him to think about his answer.

“Because I didn’t have anyone to teach me any better. And all my bad habits I passed on to you. I don’t want to make that mistake with her.”

I’m not expecting that raw honesty. Hell, I didn’t even know that’s how he felt… but the truth in his words hits home. Ididfollow the example he set as far as bagging as many girls as possible, though I’m not sure I’d have mimicked him if I wasn’t already inclined toward that lifestyle when I first moved here.

“You can’t stop her from living her life.” I’m not saying that for my benefit, although her earlier comments still linger in the back of my mind. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted to take her up on the offer to have fun, but whether it works in my favor or not, she’s got the right to indulge in whatever she chooses. Even if that means finding someone who isn’t me to experiment with.

“I don’t want to stop her. I want to protect her. You’ve seen how innocent she is.”

“Not as innocent as you think,” I mutter.

“What?” His eyes narrow to slits.